The Sword and the Brocade – First Impression (ep. 1 run-down)
IN A FEW WORDS The Sword and the Brocade is a 2021 drama which I am a bit late to check out. At first glance, it isn’t better or worse than any drama of the same genre that came out around that time (or recently). It follows a familiar formula:Continue Reading
Love Between Fairy and Devil – Final Review
Love Between Fairy and Devil is a pleasant surprise in the world of Chinese fantasy dramaland in 2022. Having finished the drama, my opinion on it is mixed. It is no doubt a recommendable drama, but it might not be for everyone. So here is a list of the goodContinue Reading
Donghua and Fengjiu – Ten Miles vs. Pillow
As impartial as one might try to be, it is simply impossibly to watch Pillow Book (Eternal love of Dream) without thinking about Donghua and Fengjiu in Ten Miles, because, well, Ten Miles came out first despite it not being an official version. Also, that white hair and purple robeContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 56 – Finale)
The last battle between Donghua and the Demon Lady is on. Even though there are some people standing outside the dome, no one can enter to help Donghua because he has sealed the place. Fengjiu arrives. Because of the ring which contains Donghua’s blood – or some immortal energy, IContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 55)
Qingti is revived and he meets Fengjiu again in this episode. The two of them put the awkward wrist-holding past behind them and agree to be friends. Donghua gets a break from his fight against the demon lady and comes back to the heaven palace for a while. He namesContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 54)
After some prolonged waiting, Fengjiu concludes that Donghua has betrayed her. And even though she does stop by the demon realm and gets some news, she finds his lack of communication fishy. Yes, this is why you don’t marry someone who used to hang out with your grandparents, OK? AndContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 53)
It’s the day of the wedding, but Donghua is also having to deal with a lot of demon-breaking-out stuff, without telling Fengjiu, of course. And Jiheng chooses today to call on that promise Donghua has made her father, the promise that says he would do any favour for Jiheng ifContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 52)
Fengjiu has no choice but to accept the demon lord’s challenge, which is a guaranteed defeat for her. At this time, Liansong reminds everyone of a fox clan’s rule that even the fox people don’t seem to remember: husbands and wives are allowed to fight alongside their partners in theseContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 51)
Liansong and Chengyu are friendly with each other again in this episode. They actually have the potential to be a lead couple. Over at the demon realm, the Demon Lady has found a new way to heal herself and gather power faster: cannibalism. Yikes. The earring-ed demon lord agrees toContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 50)
Fengjiu and Donghua are enjoying their time at the Bird Kingdom. Meanwhile, the Shunned-guys Club — consisting of Xiaoyan, Bird Prince, and Liansong – are handing out advice to each other. Bird Prince has a huge crush on Fengjiu, but now that he knows she’s engaged to Donghua, he asksContinue Reading