‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 5 Recap – Warrior Lord Learning Gardening

*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang

Devy makes a point to keep Orchid well-fed and happy until she fixes that Destiny Book for him.

One morning, after he has gone out early to collect some dews for her to drink, Orchid believes he has left for good. She feels relieved, but also a little sad both for him and for herself. For Devy, because she thinks he’s a lonely soul with no friends. For her, because he is the first new friend she has made in a long time.

She talks to her gang of plant friends about this. They have very creative hairstyles.

But Devy is not gone. Much to Orchid’s surprise, he comes back to give her a bowl of morning dews. She’s picky, though. It can’t be too hot or too cold. And she wants honey with it too!

At the top of a tower — or… whatever place that grumpy old Heaven officials hang out at to scheme to destroy young people’s lives — Changheng is being reprimanded by the Heaven King.

Someone has tipped him off about the handkerchief Changheng keeps, and he wants to know why Changheng is mooning over another woman while he is already engaged to the descendant of the Xilan clan. There’s an orchid plant embroidered on that handkerchief, so don’t even think about lying, Changheng.

He’s being treated like a teenager who is caught out after curfew.

This Heaven King is kind of like Yehua’s grandfather, except he’s more ambitious and means business. He reminds Changheng that it is his duty to go through with his marriage… as soon they find the Xilan descendant. Because cause, apparently, no one knows where she is right now. Great, it sounds like they’re all trying to scam Changheng.

Changheng goes home and digs up some old memories again. He and Orchid met a while ago and kind of liked each other. For some reason we don’t know yet, she doesn’t remember that encounter now. They met again as strangers and still she has a crush on him now. Hmm, falling for the same person twice, that’s true love in Yehua’s book. (I don’t think anyone needs a reminder here, but just in case: Yehua is from Ten Miles.)

Now, while Changheng is torn between duty and love, Devy has a much more important task: Making sure Orchid drinks the entire bowl of dew drops he brought her.

He also has to make sure she recovers from her recent injuries. Orchid frequently has nightmares too, so Devy has to drag himself over to calm her down every time it happens. He even makes midnight soup for her once. Devy does the job of a babysitter, and romantic music plays in the background every time they’re together. These two are one of a kind.

Orchid, on the other hand, warns him again that she already has someone in mind, so he shouldn’t waste time pursuing her. But Devy emphasizes that she BELONGS to him, and it has nothing to do with whom she likes.

Of course, turning him in is not an option that Orchid ever considers seriously, even though she believes he’s an escaped convict. Maybe this archive Orchid works at should raise their qualifications for hiring. I mean… what if Devy really was a criminal who wanted to take advantage of the workers here to steal confidential heaven records? Is the protection of everyone’s past, future, and possibly dirty laundry really riding on one naïve orchid’s judgement?


I would have liked Dongfang’s character to be a little more serious during these episodes. Per Dylan Wang’s acting (possibly the result of the directing), his interactions with Orchid are pure comedy, in a way that there is no trace of the frightening Moon Lord we met in the beginning. Sure, that Moon Lord is being forced into gardening, which is comedy, but the other side of him shouldn’t disappear so completely.

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