‘Flourished Peony’: Ep. 1 Run-down — It’s Really About Peonies
The opening music of this drama sounds like in a settler game tutorial — when they tell you to create buildings and watch for your kingdom’s food level. EPISODE 1 RECAP A wedding. When the bride gets to her in-laws’ family, the custodian rudely orders for the dowry to beContinue Reading
‘Blossom’: Ep. 1 Run-down – Time-travelling (oops, spoiler, but not really)
At this point, I have stopped trying to figure out what these translated drama titles mean. EPISODE 1 RECAP A crown prince is being forced to watch an opera. Huh, never thought of this as a form of torture, but it’s definitely effective. We drama viewers are subject to itContinue Reading
‘The Rise of Ning’: Ep. 1 Run-down
It’s not good, but it’s not bad enough to be called “bad”, either. Gosh, so many dramas fall into this category lately, I’m not sure what to do with them. EPISODE 1 RECAP A young woman — Luo Yining — is travelling home for her grandma’s birthday. In the carriage,Continue Reading
‘Love Game in Eastern Fantasy’: Ep. 1 Run-down — The Title Is Pretty Clear About It
EPISODE 1 RECAP Miaomiao (Esther Yu) is a regular city girl who works for a busy company. She’s also a big fan of fantasy books. On a Saturday, she is listening to an audiobook when her boss calls and asks her to summon everyone for a meeting at the company.Continue Reading
‘The Story of Pearl Girl’: Ep. 1 Run-down — Are They Mermaids or What?
EPISODE 1 RECAP Pearl collecting is a risky business in this world. Most divers never come back from their first plunge. The most famous pearl corporation in the land enslaves people and trains them as divers. The abuse in here is not at all subtle, there’s a lot of beating,Continue Reading
‘Three Kingdoms’ (2010): Ep. 5 Recap — Broken Alliance
EPISODE 5 The Yuan siblings don’t look very bright to me. And you know what, they actually are not bright. They turn on the allies too soon and make it easier for Dong Zhuo to take the Alliance down. Sun Jian is the first victim. His troops get attacked byContinue Reading
‘Three Kingdoms’ (2010): Ep. 4 Recap — Guan Yu’s Got It
EPISODE 4 You know, aside from being cold and aloof, Guan Yu is also a secret badass. How badass? I’ll tell you. Warrior after warrior rides out to confront Hua Xiong, and none of them manages to stay alive for five seconds after the challenge. The “report!!” guy keeps havingContinue Reading
‘Three Kingdoms’ (2010): Ep. 3 Recap — Liu Bei Is OK with a Straw Stool
EPISODE 3 Oh s**t, they just murdered an entire house of innocent people, Cao Cao and Chen Gong. While Chen Gong flips and yells, Cao Cao tells him to shut up and just flee already. While the horror of what they’ve done still has not set in, they run intoContinue Reading
‘Kill Me Love Me’: Ep. 1 Run-down — Wu Jinyan Is at It Again
I mean… I guess it wasn’t terrible. But that’s only because I was already expecting something terrible, so “not terrible” feels like a treat. EPISODE 1 RECAP This first episode wastes no time. In the opening scene, you see a city on fire. It’s chaos everywhere. Inside a household. AContinue Reading
‘Rise of Phoenixes’: Ep. 66 – 70 (Finale) Recaps — Where Did Everyone’s Brain Go?
Yes, I know no one wants to be here, but hey, you’ve all made it this far. EPISODE 66 -70 First of all, props to Ning Yi and Ning Qi for making it look like my computer screen is cracking open when they cry over their moms’ deaths. Yes, bothContinue Reading