‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 2 Recap – “Let’s Kiss Again?”

*“Devy” = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang, Orchid = Xiaolanhua

**Why do we call these recaps “unhelpful”? Because they don’t go too deep into the details, only what stands out the most.

Each trapped inside the other’s body, Orchid and Devy both realize what they have to do to switch back: They got to this point due to an accidental kiss, so let’s try kissing again to reverse the process!

But Orchid (who is now in Devy’s body) is not too thrilled about the idea.

Devy is more practical, he yanked her down right away to get that much-needed kiss. But she pushed him away. As he (in Orchid’s body) hits the magical seal, some lightning happens. Afraid that severe damage might be done to the Orchid body, Orchid tries to fly up to get him down.

However, unable to control the power that Devy’s body possesses, she bumps face-first into him again and they have their kiss. Another accidental kiss. Because of course Orchid would never EVER kiss any man on purpose, she’s saving it all for Changheng the War God. Him and his… very unique water helmet. 

Back inside his own body, Devy goes full evil and tries to choke Orchid. Enjoy this villain version of him and the clicky-clack sound of his iron gauntlets while you can, it doesn’t last long.

But things don’t work out as Devy wants. The more he tightens his grip on Orchid, the more his own neck gets hurt. So he has no choice but to let her go for now and reflect on this strange magic.

In another part of the world, Changheng, the God of War of the heaven, is hanging out with his buddy.

They’re on a ship together. Ahh, I get it, drama — a ship. Sly.

Anyway, we learn that Changheng has a crush somewhere and he keeps her handkerchief with him.

Back to Devy, he summons his most trusted assistant, a gigantic black dragon. But don’t let his ferocious appearance fool you, he is the goofiest guy ever. They have a talk about their “evil” plan for the future.

That outfit is cool and all, Devy, but how do you move in it? The shoulder armors make it impossible to raise your arms, don’t they.

*For episode 1, visit our video recap.

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