‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 3 Recap – Getting Stuck with a Plant

*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang

Taking a detour, Orchid runs into some bad people who are kidnapping fairies and burning them alive. She gets captured; but as soon as Defy senses her fear, he rushes to rescue her in an epic fashion.

He turns into a giant, conjures an eclipse, and grabs her when she is inches away from death. Subtlety is not his style.

When they’re alone, Devy demands that Orchid undo the magic she has placed on him. Which manifests in the form of a flower imprinted in the middle of his forehead. Well, that’s unfortunate. Of course, our ferocious lord doesn’t want that embarrassing tattoo. No enemy would take him seriously anymore. 

But Orchid says she doesn’t know how since she’s only a low-rank flower fairy. Devy then moves on to penetrate her mind and finds that she is indeed just a plant. This doesn’t sit well with Orchid. She is more pissed at him for invading her private thoughts than for attempting to kill her.

During this conversation, Devy also gives a very particular speech about how he views Orchid. He says she is not allowed to leave his side and that everything about her belongs to him. On his part, this plan is to save his own neck since he will get hurt if she does.

But innocent Orchid, of course, mistakes this speech for a love confession. And who can blame her? I actually admire her unyielding confidence.

Devy then lets Orchid run away, but he soon breaks into the Heaven Realm to find her. He does this by turning invisible and walking right past the guard. Apparently, these Heaven people have no way of detecting immortal energies that are different from their own.

Meeting again, Devy finds that Orchid keeps a Destiny Book which belongs to a “Lady Chidi”, who was the first God of War before Changheng. She died a long time ago, but according to the book, a part of her spirit is somewhere in the mortal land, in the form of a mortal woman. Devy immediately comes up with a plan: If he can get his hand on this woman, her power can help him release a large number of his soldiers that are currently trapped in some spiritual realm. Yeah, there are a lot of realms to keep up with in these dramas.

But during a fight, Orchid and Devy cause the Destiny Book to get burned. Alas, we need a different plan. Devy decides to stay and camp at Orchid’s place until she fixes that book. And you know what that means: fighting over sleeping arrangements!

Orchid, still innocent and extremely naïve, believes that this guy is just a weirdo who goes around stealing Destiny Books for fun and that maybe he’s just cosplaying a burglar. Little does she know that she’s housing the most wanted criminal of their time.

In another part of the Heaven Realm, Changheng is having flashbacks about his last battle. He was injured and bloody all over when a fairy appeared to help him — a fairy that looks just like Orchid. Oooh, what are you not telling us, Changheng?

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