Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 56 – Finale)

The last battle between Donghua and the Demon Lady is on. Even though there are some people standing outside the dome, no one can enter to help Donghua because he has sealed the place. Fengjiu arrives. Because of the ring which contains Donghua’s blood – or some immortal energy, I guess — she finds that she can enter the battle formation.

Ye Qingti tries to stop Fengjiu but she gets in.

Long story short: Donghua and Fengjiu cooperate. They manage to kill the demon lady in the end but are both injured and have no way to escape the dome. But due to their special blood, a miracle happens at the last minute and they can get out, after all. Peace again for the world.

Xiaoyan returns to find Jiheng is waiting for him. Happily ever after for them.

At Qingqiu, Donghua is taking care of Fengjiu, who is still unconscious. One day, a little kid runs into the room. A kid with white hair.

Hmm, who could this be? Donghua wonders. The child says he is here to see his “mother Fengjiu”. Donghua is so shocked he drops the medicine bowl and tells Gungun he is his father.

The kid takes it pretty calmly, though. I guess he inherited that trait from Donghua that enables him to remain calm and freak out at different times from regular people.

The three of them live happily in the end. And the ending scene boosts the kid’s screen-time to a total of ten minutes overall.


  1. I just wish that some characters had more screen time.. like oue beloved General or the Underworld lord.. and some of them less time…..

    1. Author

      Yes, I can’t believe they brought General Ye back just so he can play tug-of-war with Fengjiu for 5 seconds😂

      1. He also played a five second game of Go with Third Prince. 😛

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