‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 28 Recap – Bodily Hurt is the Only Way, Apparently
Quippe: Xunfeng is becoming one of my favorite characters in this episode. Dew: Xunfeng gives me my daily dose of is-he-or-is-he-not-evil so I need this episode to give me clarity asap, please! *Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang EPISODE 28 RECAP Ronghao’s assistant lady asks Jieli to put poison intoContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 27 Recap – Jieli’s Secret
Quippe: People work together in this drama. They talk and work together. Though, I don’t appreciate how they make Changheng wear head accessories that make him look like an axolotl in this episode. Dew: Did you know that axolotls’ mating ritual involves a dance? Or that they can regrow theContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 26 Recap – Officially Dating
*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang Quippe: Orchid and Devy finally make things clear to each other in this episode. Not that it can be any clearer than it already is. Dew: I’m back and ready for another round of “Are you sure you want to kill my people?” “Yes.”Continue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 25 Recap – Awkward Weddings
Quippe: Welcome to the 25th recap of Love Between and Devil. Joining us on this journey is Dew, who is nicer to Dongfang Qingcang than I am and will definitely make these “Unhelpful” Recaps more helpful. Dew: Hi Quippe Readers! Or Questees? Do we like that? I’m throwing it inContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 24 Recap – Wanqing is Pretty Straightforward
*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang Lady Wanqing moves the fastest with this whole marriage deal. As soon as she hears Orchid and Devy are only “siblings”, she tells them to expect her to come with a marriage proposal. While everyone is on board with the fake-weddings plan, Devy isContinue Reading
Thank You, Doctor – First Impression (ep. 1 run-down)
EPISODE 1 (and a bit of 2) RECAP Xiao Yan is a surgeon. She works abroad in Switzerland at a military base. Yang Mi once again proves that there’s no profession she can not look fabulous in. Kind of like Barbie. She and her boyfriend have a talk about howContinue Reading
New Life Begins – First Impression (ep. 1 run-down)
EPISODE 1 RECAP The drama begins with a child’s voice giving you the background of this story. They’ve probably figured out that the same mysterious male voice like in all period dramas out there might just make the audience more inclined not to pay attention. They also present the backContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 23 Recap – Let’s Turn Changheng Off
*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang Back at their mortal estate, Devy blames Jieli for the failure of their recent mission since she’s the one who came up with the plan. Dude, it was your and Orchid’s fault. Jieli is smart, but she doesn’t do miracles. Also, it looks likeContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 22 Recap – Plan Goes Wrong Because Orchid is Hungry
*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang In a secret place, wherever that is, Ronghao reflects on all the problematic choices he has made because of his Shifu, one of which is making a deal with the Evil Voice and trying to kill Goddess Xishan for her power. But he doesn’tContinue Reading
‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 21 Recap – Hanging out with Changheng
*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang Orchid runs off on her own during their date at the tea house, making Devy, Jieli and Shangque go look for her. Back to Wanqing, she’s still trying to figure out who is playing the flute. Yes, who indeed? In a moment of desperation,Continue Reading