‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 31 Recap – “Is This Your King?”

Quippe: The battle finally happens in this episode and we are ready to move on to a new phase of the story.

Dew: *holds my axolotl nervously* Let’s go to war!


Devy does exactly what Orchid wants him to do, which is looking straight at her and saying “I don’t love you”. It’s still not believable enough for Orchid. It’s a little too late to start acting scary now when you’ve been a puppy all along. On Devy’s part, he just wants Orchid to leave. If she hates him enough, she might be able to take off that bracelet that’s feeding off her. Also, he plans to die in the battle; and maybe he figured that if he’s the one who dies first, she will have a better chance to live despite the curse that binds them.

You know what isn’t binding them together? The grass and flowers engagement bracelet. How was it going to last through one shower, guys?

Orchid leaves him alone, but Xunfeng finds her right before the battle. He doesn’t believe his brother can hold off the Heaven army so he tells her the truth about what she can do. He’s not nice about it, but they come to an understanding in the end. Orchid agrees to sacrifice herself using Chengying Sword so the lost Moon soldiers can come home and the connection between her and Devy can be broken. And Devy… I guess he’s going out there to make a try for it with the new dark magic he has just acquired.

Changheng is leading the Heaven army. Wait, what is he doing here?? Isn’t he still on strike?

No one checked the weather before scheduling this battle because wow, is it sandy. Thank goodness the troops are color coded. 

When Orchid is about to stab herself with the sword, Ronghao appears and whooshes her away. He still wants her power for his Shifu, I believe.

Minutes away from the battle, Devy asks Xunfeng to lead the troops for him while he goes and executes a plan. He says Chengying Sword is old school now and he has something better up his sleeve. Xunfeng trusts Devy and stays behind to take command of the army.

It seems like Devy did make a deal with the Evil Voice earlier to obtain a large number of soldiers for a price. But half way through his attempt to claim the soldiers, Devy senses that Orchid is in danger and rushes away to find her. You have got to be kidding, Devy… I thought you were going to show us something epic! 

If my king promised to bring back my dead son and fight for my future but left mid-battle to rescue his fiancé that he himself sent away instead of joining forces with her like a logical leader, it’d be my villain origin story. Ditto.

The battle gets more and more intense. Multiple characters we know die. Changheng gets the chance to interrupt Ronghao, making him release Orchid. She uses this opportunity to crawl away, and before Devy can reach her, she stabs herself with a fragment of Chengying Sword.

Light explodes from Orchid, her Goddess essence showers the world, bringing the dead soldiers back to life and healing injuries. Ronghao also got a little bit of that magic.

Devy finds Orchid, who is on the verge of death. He takes her up a cliff to see sunrise one last time as she dissipates into the air.

He collapses to the ground and weeps, and weeps (even harder than that time he missed the last football game with his father).

Mmmmm… I know it’s supposed to be sad scene, but I kind of keep thinking of Killmonger’s “Is this your king?” right now. 

Jieli brings Shangque out of the battlefield. When he awakes, she breaks up with him, telling him it’s all been fake. She’s very convincing, hers is an act I can believe. 

Ronghao takes the magic bit back and revives his Shifu. But by the look of it, she’s not feeling very well. I’m guessing it’s because Ronghao plays the exact same flute tune every time he’s around her. I know it’s their memory but it’s been, like, what, hundreds/thousands of years already. You need variety, Ronghao.

And with one immortal waking up, another one goes into a … heartbreak induced-coma?


  1. I love this so much! Ep 32 please!

    1. Author

      Coming up very soon :DD

  2. Its so funny how I am so caught up in the romance, I forget that Devy basically turned his back on his whole clan.

    1. Author

      Yes, a complete 180 😂

    2. Does Devy know that his brother was going to sacrifice Orchid

      1. Author

        No, I think he’s just sensing that she’s in danger. Orchid decides to sacrifice herself, though, the brother only gave her the tip.

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