‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 24 Recap – Wanqing is Pretty Straightforward

*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang

Lady Wanqing moves the fastest with this whole marriage deal. As soon as she hears Orchid and Devy are only “siblings”, she tells them to expect her to come with a marriage proposal.

While everyone is on board with the fake-weddings plan, Devy is determined not to go along, he wants to save himself and his genuine nuptial feelings for… whomever he wants to save them for. But just when he is about to go and say no to Wanqing, Orchid commands him to stop.

Her words activate the curse that still binds him to her. She orders him to keep quiet completely when Wanqing comes tomorrow and play along. Don’t you just wish that curse existed in real life whenever you have to argue with someone who refuses to see logic?

Because of this curse, Devy literally cannot open his mouth to say a word during the meeting with Wanqing. She wants to give them her date of birth and all the info they need to get the preparation for the wedding ceremony started, but Devy stands like a statue. This upsets Orchid too, because “how dare he not even try to reject the proposal?”. What a tough spot Devy is in. When he does everything he is told, he is still wrong.

Devy is ultra confused that night. He uses everything at his disposal to attempt to figure out this puzzle, everything from talking to his dense assistant to asking Jieli to talk to Orchid for him. He even compares himself to Changheng. Oh noooo… the shame, the humiliation! Don’t worry, Devy, fairy speaking, you have a better outfit design team.

The next day, the city prepares for a night festival. Orchid goes for a walk around with mortal-Changheng but she feels she’d rather be with Devy. Stalking her from the second story of a shop Seeing them together from afar, Devy decides that he will back out of the race because he believes Changheng has treated Orchid better, and therefore deserves her. When Orchid finds him later on, he declares that he will be joining Wanqing on a boat tour and making Orchid jealous, which kind of confirms his own theory that Changheng is better. Inside him, however, the Tree of Emotion has fully blossomed. Seems like his inner self just wants to take a break under that Tree and watch it blossom. OK, all this tree talk is getting weird, you… you go figure out what your Tree wants, Devy. 

That night, Changheng’s assistant (mortal-Dayin) overhears the group talking. She is terrified to find out that they actually want Changheng and Wanqing dead, which is of course the goal of this trial; but the mortal-Dayin doesn’t know that.

She runs home to tell Changheng but is killed by an over-speeding carriage on the way. For a comedy, that accident scene is dead serious. Anyway, the real Dayin returns to the Heaven Palace, where they are all looking for Changheng.


  1. Thanks for your posts. They are hysterical. I look forward to reading them. I

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      Thank you for stopping by, Metea!

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