‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 28 Recap — Ziwei’s Princess Status in Doubt
EPISODE 28 RECAP The dowager suggests to Qing’er that since she likes Erkang, she (dowager) can spare Erkang and let them be a couple. But Qinger turns that down immediately; she has too much self-respect for that. And may I just say that the dowager does not know Erkang atContinue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 27 Recap — Erkang and Yongqi Have a Plan (we hope)
EPISODE 27 The three girls are absolutely miserable in prison. They kind of deserve it this time, you know. Now, in another cell, Yongi is starting to realize the obvious: he should have accepted that offer to be spared. Erkang too regrets that they didn’t come up with a moreContinue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 26 Recap — It’s That Time of Year for Prison Parties
EPISODE 26 Nanny Rong keeps pushing the idea that the kids have helped Hanxiang escape, which is… correct. But you know, we don’t like Nanny Rong, so everything that comes out of her mouth sounds wrong. The dowager has some theories of her own, but Qing’er tries her best toContinue Reading
‘A Journey to Love’: Episode 1 Run-down — Liu Shishi is the Kind of Spy We Need
EPISODE 1 RECAP There was a war, the world burned, people died, etc, etc. The point is, the world is kind of, sort of taking a break from war now while all the players get their crap back together. Before another big conflict, I assume. Although, that doesn’t mean theseContinue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 25 Recap — Butter…free?
EPISODE 25 Hanxiang is alive and healthy again. Some time after her near-death experience, she seeks out the emperor to thank him and apologize for whatever has happened between them. among the things she says is: the old Hanxiang is no longer. Of course, the emperor chooses to see thisContinue Reading
‘Only for Love’: Episode 1 Run-down — We’ve Seen It Before
EPISODE 1 RECAP (and a bit of 2) Like all romance stories that want to earn the female-empowerment point, the drama begins with an unsuccessful romantic relationship for the female lead Shuyi (Bai Lu). You know, a little something she can move on from before beginning a new story, otherwise,Continue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 24 Recap — All Big Plans Include Weird Dances
EPISODE 24 Erkang and Co. deliver the good news to Meng Dan: Hanxiang is alive and on her way to being well again. But Meng Dan understandably isn’t able to stay calm because, still, she was forced to die brutally. Meng Dan is determined to enter the palace once againContinue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 23 Recap — A New Hanxiang
EPISODE 23 RECAP Once Xiaojianzi stops picking on Xiaojian, he apologizes for listening in on the gang. He asks if they could be friends. This is a dangerous idea, of course, because they still have idea who he is, even though he tells them his “I’m an orphan” story reallyContinue Reading
‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 22 Recap — Parrot & Big Plan
This is kind of a filler episode. Not a lot happens, but it’s still fun. EPISODE 22 RECAP Hanxiang takes care of the emperor’s injury in secret per his order. He, on the other hand, keeps grabbing her randomly. Please rein it in, dude, I’m trying to forget what youContinue Reading
‘Mysterious Lotus Casebook’: Episode 1 Run-down — Brotherhood Ahead
EPISODE 1 RECAP Once, there was a swordsman who managed to both look like a 15-year-old kid and be the best martial artist in the world. Everyone feared him. He was so good that once, he chased after a ship into the open sea in a small fishing boat. HeContinue Reading