*This post is a follow-up to Pearl Eclipse – Basically…  Pearl Eclipse is a 48-episode, half court-intrigue, half fantasy drama. And instead of dragons and phoenixes, you have mermaids most of the time. Below is my assessment of the first few episodes. WHAT’S GOOD Neither a good nor a badContinue Reading

*This post is a follow-up to One and Only – Basically video. A simple romance period drama with simply one goal: not letting its lead couple be happy. And it does fairly well. Let’s briefly go through the good and bad of One and Only based on the first fewContinue Reading

Dramas nowadays are good, they really are. Sure, tropes, clichés, and bad endings are everywhere; but in general, we have been treated with great productions in the last decade. Stories are becoming more in line with real-life’s psychology, characters more layered, costumes more authentic, so and so. All being said,Continue Reading