Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 22)
This episode is pretty straightforward. First of all, Donghua returns from the trial and discovers the biggest secret of the universe: tears come out of the eyes. We all know what the tears are for, of course: the man kinda, sorta feels like crap and probably believes now that FengjiuContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 21)
General Ye deserves better, drama. A battle breaks out in the place the green stone is held. This is the Demon Lord guy reacting to his plan to steal the stone not going so well. Both Fengjiu and General Ye try to protect Donghua; and somehow, out of the entireContinue Reading
Pearl Eclipse – First Impression
*This post is a follow-up to Pearl Eclipse – Basically… Pearl Eclipse is a 48-episode, half court-intrigue, half fantasy drama. And instead of dragons and phoenixes, you have mermaids most of the time. Below is my assessment of the first few episodes. WHAT’S GOOD Neither a good nor a badContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 20)
The palace is in emotional chaos now that their trustworthy General Ye and the woman who was about to become their queen consort have eloped together. Outside the city, Fengjiu and Qingti – having chosen the most inconvenient and conspicuous outfits for themselves – are on their way to aContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 19)
In his palace, the mortal Donghua sulks in doubts and misery, refusing to see both Fengjiu and General Ye, even when the latter wants to discuss state affairs. The Empress Dowager comes to see her son, tells him to sober up and does his job. For the first time sinceContinue Reading
One and Only – First Impression
*This post is a follow-up to One and Only – Basically video. A simple romance period drama with simply one goal: not letting its lead couple be happy. And it does fairly well. Let’s briefly go through the good and bad of One and Only based on the first fewContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 18)
Lady Wan, aka Jiheng, vanishes from prison just when the Prince of Ying’s assassins attempt to kill her. Of course, Donghua is not too happy about this, he berates General Ye and his subordinates about the lax security, saying that if they can’t even secure the prison, how can theyContinue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 17)
The good news: the drama has finally picked up its pace. A few exciting things happen in this episode and get resolved fast. Donghua tells Fengjiu about his sad childhood, where his father didn’t spend much time with him. Fengjiu reflects that she would like to give Donghua a hug.Continue Reading
Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 16)
After the whole poisoned-cakes incident, Mortal-Donghua makes it up to Fengjiu by giving her some gifts, which she refuses. He is saddened and thinks that this indicates she’s still angry at him. Good point, Donghua, but I wouldn’t stress too much about it. It could simply mean she doesn’t trustContinue Reading
Zhan Zhao – Gentlemanly
Dramas nowadays are good, they really are. Sure, tropes, clichés, and bad endings are everywhere; but in general, we have been treated with great productions in the last decade. Stories are becoming more in line with real-life’s psychology, characters more layered, costumes more authentic, so and so. All being said,Continue Reading