Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 21)

General Ye deserves better, drama.

A battle breaks out in the place the green stone is held.

This is the Demon Lord guy reacting to his plan to steal the stone not going so well.

Both Fengjiu and General Ye try to protect Donghua; and somehow, out of the entire imperial army, only General Ye makes it to this place. So now it’s down to the three of them to fight against the Prince of Ying.

And of course, General Ye just has to sacrifice so Donghua and Fengjiu can get out of there safely.

The chaos ends, which I have no idea how considering they were so short on loyal and capable soldiers that only one guy gets to the tomb in time to save the emperor. Shouldn’t this whole palace be raided by now?

Unconscious, Fengjiu dreams of General Ye in her sleep. When she wakes up, she begins to recall every nice thing he has done for her — about time, don’t you think? — and regrets dragging him into this. She’s completely shocked that there’s someone out there who’s willing to die for her. She even decides to go into mourning for him for three years.

Motivated by this grief, Fengjiu finally decides to put an end to her reluctance and move on with the plan to finish her part in Donghua’s trial.

Donghua asks Fengjiu to be his queen consort again, but one look at this face tells you her mind is made up.

The next day, Fengjiu runs away to the cliff General Ye took her to once. Donghua finds her there, tries every way he can think of to stop her from doing something reckless. But Fengjiu tells him point-blank that the person in her heart was General Ye and jumps off the cliff. Finally, cliff-jumping that makes sense. End this drama, girl, and tell Si Ming to come up with better scripts next time already.

Now, Donghua goes into deep depression, abandons his job, and begins to talk crazy all the time.

His mom and the servants are freaked out. And who wouldn’t be? Though their worry doesn’t change anything. One day, overcome by grief, Donghua dies on his sickbed. So… I guess that’s that.

We see purple light leaves his mortal body (I did not make this up, it really is purple) and returns to the heavens where the real Donghua opens his eyes.


All jokes aside, here are my thoughts on this mortal trial arc: it’s obviously very similar to the mini-plot in Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, just longer. Though, I am not sure the added length really helps.

Fengjiu and Donghua’s “love” in this arc is the fairy tale type: love-at-first-sight, a mysterious maiden with a secret identity, a shadow of another man looming over their happy days.

But for this kind of romance to make an impact, it really should be delivered in much fewer episodes. We didn’t really need the Empress Dowager, the poisoned cakes case or the whole Jiheng shenanigan.

When something is longer and presents itself to be more complicated, viewers naturally expect more character depth. But what we have are longer episodes with repeated conflicts and the repeated theme that mortal-Donghua can’t say no to Fengjiu.

But the good news is now Donghua and Fengjiu will have an actual reason to want to see each other again in the immortal realm.


  1. We finally made it to the end of the mortal arc. I agree, it dragged on for way too long. Bad script writer!

    1. Author

      Too much screen time for sweet potatoes😂

  2. I agree it was long, but I really liked how they ended the arc

  3. I don’t know if it’s true or not but I read in several online reviews (sorry I couldn’t find the source link to post it here) that the reason this arc was made unnecessarily long was to give more screen time to the actress that plays JiHeng. She owns the script rights for Pillow Book and actually wanted to play Fengjiu’s character. But when she agreed for the producers and directors to make the script into the drama series and not play Fengjiu, supposedly they extended this arc to write JiHeng in more so the actress can get more screen time. Because in the actual Pillow Book novel, this arc is barely mentioned.

    1. Author

      I see, what an odd reason to alter a script😂

      1. This information is correct actually, but the writers could have done a better job adapting the arc, even with JiHeng’s plot, it was a good oportunity to let us see their personality, to prepare us for what comes next. But no, let’s just included her like another roasted potato, anyway Donghua is not going to past his test with flying colors and he will need to do some recovery after this arc.

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