New Life Begins – First Impression (ep. 1 run-down)


The drama begins with a child’s voice giving you the background of this story. They’ve probably figured out that the same mysterious male voice like in all period dramas out there might just make the audience more inclined not to pay attention.

They also present the back history with a cute stop-motion sequence.

Basically, in a fictional land inspired by the period of time when China was divided into several kingdoms, each of these kingdoms has an individually unique culture. One kingdom places women above men, one does the opposite. Another has a rich cuisine history and settles for monogamy, so and so. Can you guess which one our female lead is from yet?

Now, there was a time when these kingdoms went to war with each other relentlessly. In the end, the Kingdom of Xin defeated all the others. They all agreed on a peace treaty that states: all the other kingdoms shall send illegible maidens to the Lords of Xin for marriage arrangements. Yes, it is the same everywhere in the world at any time — easy dating services can calm people down.

The female lead, Li Wei (Tian Xiwei), is from one of those complying kingdoms in the treaty; and this year, she gets picked to go to Xin. She loves food, has her way with animals, and is quite mischievous. She almost manages to sneak this much food through entrance security at the Xin palace. They were all hidden in her pockets!

And this is her face when she sees – not a nice future husband – but food.

During a security check, we all get to know two other female characters who might play significant roles.

Hao Jia (Chen Xiaoyun). A conventionally brought-up lady. She was raised to believe women should serve men well.

A fierce warrior from one of the women-dominant kingdoms. She isn’t afraid to offend anyone and always walks around with a sword in her hand like assassins can pop up behind her any time. Her deal is simple: this is who I am, take it or leave it.

Li Wei also expresses her opinion clearly. She believes the most important thing in life is: knowing how to treasure every day. A very appropriately… 21th century notion.

Together, these three girls make the perfect timid, tomboy, and mischievous trio.

Moving away from the women a little, the drama introduces you to the men who are excited about these new dating opportunities. We get to see a few of them.

Why do I feel like none of these guys deserve the girls who are entering the palace?

Anyway, we do get some mature masculinity when the crown prince walks in. It’s Helian Zheng!

He calls out his brothers for slacking off and urges them to act with dignity.

Out of all the younger brother, there is one that does have dignity, however. And he appears to be the male lead (Bai Jingting). He is the quiet sort who likes to play chess and wear a mask of low self-esteem.

Whether he’s planning something sinister, we don’t know yet. But like always, dear princes, beware of the ones who play chess in private. You’ll never know when the knife will come for you from them.

Back to the ladies, Hao Jia decides that she would like to have a look at the princes before Selection Day is over. For a conventional lady, she’s pretty daring. She also knows exactly where to find the one prince that she has in mind.

She walks into the royal garden and pretends to be lost when she runs into one of the younger princes.

Entranced by her elegance, the prince is like, sure, I’ll give you directions to the right place, I’ll give you my kidney too if you want it.

Their path leads them to the Crown Prince who is playing chess near a pond. Hao Jia looks at the chess board and comments on its current layout, she plays the innocent passerby well enough that the two princes on the side have no idea. The Crown Prince, however, can smell purposeful intrigue as soon as Hao Jia starts talking. But he lets her go on to see what she wants next.

After the long comments about chess strategies and stuff, Hao Jia says she’s forgotten the direction she was given. So sly. At this time, the Crown Prince gets up from his seat.

Well, how about I take you there myself and you can show me how much more sly you can be? His smirk expresses. And that is how you get the alpha’s attention.

Li Wei, on the other hand, is hanging around the royal kitchen, it happens to be prince Yinzheng’s lunchtime. But Li Wei is hungry too, what to do?

She gulps down most of the food meant for Yinzheng (male lead). When Yinzheng finally realizes that the kitchen keeps sending him half-eaten dishes, he goes down there to investigate. And there they meet. In a not-so-dignified manner.


This first episode is a surprisingly fun start to what looks like a slice-of-life period drama (lots of faces from Rises of Phoenixes here too). I honestly did not expect it to be good at all from the promotion poster. But everything looks decent so far. The acting isn’t outstanding, but it is good enough for this drama genre. The dynamic between the lead couple: not bad.

If this drama can remain a light-hearted comedy in the episodes to come, it’s definitely something worth following. I especially look forward to seeing more of the Crown Prince and Hao Jia. Please, please don’t make either of them a villain.


  1. So what if I told you, you’ll get half of your wish? I’m enjoying this show as well for what it is and I plan to keep watching. Hope to see an eventual video on the rare friendship of women in costume cdramas? I’ve never seen so many women be friends, even when they are married to the same man. I’m honestly loving that aspect.

    1. Author

      Yes, I can see female friendships going strong here, it’s great.
      One half of my wish? Does that mean either Hao Jia or the crown prince will become a villain and the other one remains good?😬

  2. So, I haven’t completed it yet so there’s still a chance none of your wish comes true. 🤷🏾‍♀️ That’s the most I’m willing to say.

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