‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 33 Recap – Sorry Kingdom and People, It’s Plant-watering Time

Quippe: Are orchids hard to grow? I sure hope so, Dongfang needs a lesson to remember.

Dew: I need Devy to share his green thumb with the rest of the kingdom because there’s no other place that needs it more.

*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang


Changheng has an important job to do today — extracting Orchid’s spirit bit from Devy. It’s a very dangerous job because Devy might get severely injured in the process. Before you get excited, no, nothing actually happens to him. He just kind of sits there and winces for a while Changheng does the magic.

It’s an Immortal Gods Boy Band reunion with less music and more wincing. 

Orchid’s spirit manifests itself in a little seed. Devy takes that seed home and plants it in a small pot. This is it, everyone. Everything that he has been through, all the battle scars he has earned, and all the knowledge and skills he has acquired all his life have led to this moment: growing a plant.

The juxtaposition between him being the most destructive being in the three realms and him now trying everything to keep one seed alive is just now hitting me.

Also, that seed is growing at an extra speed like Renesmee from Twilight. There’s also a golden cut scene of Devy laying on the grass with sapling-orchid on his stomach. What. Is. Happening. 

There cannot be a comedic scene released this year that could top how much this montage of Devy blowing on water to feed to Orchid’s leaves (or body part?? I don’t even know anymore) and wiping each leaf with extreme precision makes me laugh. 

He pretty much camps at the land of Xilan Clan and takes care of that plant. Who’s in charge of the Moon Kingdom, though? Is he at least reading some reports?

Once Orchid is back, she has a conversation with the Wise Voice. She has now realized her destiny and would like to stick with it. Her bubbly personality is gone and we now have a cold and indifferent goddess. She appears in human form again and walks around her land.

Devy is overjoyed to meet Orchid there, but she doesn’t remember who he is. *GASPS* 

Shocked and scared, Devy talks to Shangque to see what they can do. In the end, he decides to hang out with Orchid at this place until she regains her memory.

It isn’t just her memory that’s gone though. It’s like she got another hard drive completely. No more good food, smiling, chatting, or any silly activities, she only wants peace and quiet.

Devy doesn’t give up yet, he stays and does for her everything he would do for Orchid, like getting her water and asking her to go watch sunrise. No luck, however. He just annoys her the more he tries.

And my question is the same: Who is running the Moon Kingdom at the moment? Lots of rebuilding and recovering that need to be done there after such a battle, don’t you think, Moon Lord?

If you don’t think about the fact that Devy is the ruler of a realm and has not been back to check on his people after a whole war, this plot line of him trying everything to win back Orchid is pretty funny since everything he does is annoying to her.

Changheng visits one day. Remember that marriage deal between him and Orchid? Well, she is quite chill about it now. Let’s get it going, she says. She respects the tradition between the two clans.

I mean it takes something special to delay a wedding by 30,000 years. Let’s get moving! 

Basically, she switches from an Orchid who trusted Dongfang completely without questioning what she’s capable of, to an Orchid who goes along with “destiny” completely without questioning what she’s capable of. Well, at least her new outfit is cool, I guess.

Devy overhears their conversation and throws sarcastic remarks at Changheng afterwards. Changheng knocks the sarcastic jealous nonsense out of Devy with the truth: he’s kept his word in not fighting for Orchid’s love anymore, and it’s Devy that hasn’t kept his promise in keeping her safe. They fight but ultimately agree that they both want the old and true Orchid back. This knock-off Xiaolongnü version of her just freaks them out, especially when she keeps complying with everything “destiny” says.

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