‘Love Between Fairy & Devil’: Ep. 9 Recap – “Make Sure the Camera Gets It When I Save Her”

*Devy = Devil = Dongfang Qingcang

After making him leave, Orchid is sad that Devy is not at the Archive anymore. After all, this is the first time she has got a friend who both protects her and gives her death threats.

Changheng goes to visit the Master of Haishi — who is also his friend Ronghao in disguise — to ask whether he or his minions messed with the immortal test the other day. Combining the mask with this designer coat that looks like there’s mold growing on it, I guess it’s kind of hard for Changheng to tell that it’s really Ronghao.

Ronghao then distracts Changheng by mentioning that Hellfire has been spotted around. And there’s only one person in the world who can cast Hellfire: Dongfang Qingcang, aka Devy.

Suspecting that it was also Devy who interfered with the test and causes weird stuff to happen around recently in the Heaven, Changheng heads to the Archive on a security mission.

Orchid attends a ceremony along with the other fairies to get a status upgrade. Here the fairy are divided into groups according to their origins. Each of them will have a little moment with a higher power — higher than the Heaven King, it seems — to be sorted. It’s a mysterious being with no physical form who knows all.

When it is Orchid’s turn, however, the Power claims that she does not belong to any group of being he is familiar with. And you know it’s a big deal when a faceless voice tells you he’s confused. The hall plunges into bewilderment. Hmm, what can Orchid be?

The Heaven King uses his infinite wisdom to declare that: if she is not an immortal or a human, she must be from the Moon Tribe. Because apparently, those are the only three categories a being can belong to.

This probably has to do with the fact that he just wants to get rid of Orchid since he knows Changheng likes her. What’s worse is, they also detect some Hellfire on her. So the Heaven King has her chained up and demands to know where Devy is.

Well, he’s having a great time with Changheng, that’s where. They’re carrying out an epic fight. Although, in the middle of it, Devy senses that Orchid is being tortured and leaves to rescue her.

And rescue her he does, right under the nose of the entire Heaven Court. The camera makes sure you see every single thing Devy does, from grabbing Orchid in midair to lowering her to the ground, to lifting her back up, to putting the bracelet back on her wrist, to walking slowly out of there. He even has a shield bubble up for a while so he can talk to her while chaos descends around as people start shooting spells at them from all directions.

And IQIYI’s subtitles are certainly not shy about blowing wind for this ship. Even if it means a little inaccuracy.

At the gate, Devy and Orchid run into Changheng. By the way, where’s your army, Changheng? I think it’s about time you employed some help.

Anyway, Devy’s solution is simple. He smashes the buildings around and raises a flood, putting the entire Heaven Palace in danger, making it easier for Changheng to choose, I guess. We all know Changheng would always stick to his responsibility first. And then Devy slowly, very slowly walks away with Orchid in his arms.

Just in case you’re still confused about the purpose of this scene, the drama makes sure you know it is romantic by playing a love song in the background. Instead of epic battle sound effects, that is. Now, does everyone understand that Devy is romantic?

Orchid is terrified when she wakes up. She frantically says sorry to Devy for calling him “homeless” before. She also realizes that she’s one who’s homeless now that she has just practically colluded with an enemy to attack her home realm.

She starts crying. And if there’s anyone who can make this miserable situation look funny, it is Orchid.

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