Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 33)

Donghua is displeased with Fengjiu this morning because she went out last night without telling him and was late for her… snow-tower jumping lesson today. Possessive much?

That night, Donghua brings some ointment to Fengjiu so she can tend to her bruises which she earned during the brutal exercises during the day. They play around with the ointment and both end up having some of that stuff on their faces.

Fengjiu reflects that Donghua seems different today. Well, of course. The former supreme commander of the heaven who delights in making other people look stupid is willing to let you smear cream on his face, Fengjiu. I’d say that’s definitely different.

The next morning, after having a talk with Liansong the genius love adviser (really, he is; ask Yehua), Donghua asks Fengjiu what she wants with the fruit of immortality.

She says she just wants to taste this rare fruit. She and Xiaoyan have also agreed that no matter who wins the fruit, they will share it. Aww. Donghua is once again unhappy because Fengjiu and Xiaoyan… communicate?

Also, he knows she isn’t telling him the real reason. Or at least I hope he questions that answer.

During this talk, Fengjiu concludes that Donghua’s depressed face must have to do with Jiheng, she believes all along that Donghua moved away from Jiheng because he likes Jiheng and wants to test her feelings toward him…

Well, I guess both Fengjiu and Donghua’s IQ is being used up for the upcoming competition now, so I’ll forgive their denseness this one time.

The day of the competition arrives. Let’s cut to the chase and say that the students all get eliminated and Fengjiu and Xiaoyan face off in the last duel.

Jiheng, who is still possessed, shoots some dark magic into Xiaoyan, which makes him go berserk and ruthlessly attack Fengjiu.

Donghua realizes this just in time to stop her. Xiaoyan loses the duel and Jiheng faints. And Donghua carries her back to her room. In his arms. Which Feng jiu sees.


Not sure I see why Donghua has to personally remove Jiheng from the field other than to create drama with Fengjiu. Looking after the daughter of his old friend? Yes. Keeping an eye out for a vulnerable young woman? Yes. But why carry her in front of everyone like they’re about to be off to their honeymoon?

The action contradicts Donghua’s behavior towards Jiheng all along. While he cares about her safety, his response to her every time suggests he is uncomfortable around her and has built a hard-stone wall between them, if not to say that she completely repels him. Or have I read it wrong from Donghua’s eyebrow movements?

The Donghua we know up till this point would just call the servants over to bring Jiheng to wherever he needs her to be.

Unless he’s only doing this to spite Fengjiu. In that case, aren’t you 100000xxx years old or something, dude?


  1. Because age doeS not mean maturity at all XD.

  2. We cannot blame FengJui for his low IQ, mow he’s giving mixed signals and she… well she will be a Bai after all…

    1. Author

      Agreed. Fengjiu is more forgivable than Donghua, she has to deal with all kinds of misinfo rom all directions😂

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