‘The Starry Love’: Ep. 23 Recap — Chaofeng Picks Another Lane

Haichao and his sandstorms save the day. Also, Void Prince Dingyun really has a knack for losing and humiliating himself.


The whole “controlling from afar” thing doesn’t work out as they planned. Plus, it also excites Wenren so much that he starts spilling tacky pick-up lines again. He conjures up – don’t ask me how – an umbrella made of flowers for Yetan.


Yetan is afraid that she might fall in love with him before he does with her at this rate, so she runs away before he does anything else.

Later on, they take a walk around town and, look! a fortune-telling stall. Surrounded by Qingheng, Ziwu, and Dilanjue… in a girl’s dress so convincing that I didn’t spot it the first time.

Yetan drags Wenren towards it. The fortune teller begins telling Wenren to stop being a player, otherwise, he won’t live for long. Nooo, this does not sound like a plan cooked up by Manman and the gang at all.

Wenren and Yetan leave afterwards. Wait, so what did they even make Dilanjue dress up like a girl for?

The next day, when Wenren opens his shop, things don’t go so well for him. The first girl he betrayed and many after her storm into the shop. Time for justice. The drama doesn’t show it, but it looks like they had a fun time beating him up.

The First Girl then places an enchanted belt on Wenren that will make it hurt like hell every time he approaches a woman with dishonorable intentions.

After this, Wrenren is ashamed to see Yetan, but she visits him often anyway – not that she has any other choice – and helps him cure his player tendencies. They begin to do things like chess and picking vegetables together.

Wenren slowly repents and falls for Yetan.

I still think Yetan deserves better than to be stuck here fixing and healing these half-Youqins. With the exception of Lamu, these guys are way too problematic. But well, the sooner she wins their hearts, the sooner the real Youqin comes back.

One day, Wenren decides to take it a step further and goes to apologize to the First Girl. She says she will consider forgiving him if he apologizes to all the girls he had toyed with.

Onto Void stuff. Qingkui decides that the Void Queen and his useless son need to be lured away from Yetan, so she goes to their camp and tells the Void Queen about Youqin’s soul pieces and how she and Yetan communicate through skin-gashing. Err… please tell me you have a plan, Qingkui, you’re telling them more than they need to know.

The Void Queen agrees to cooperate with Qingkui. Dingyun, however, believes Qingkui wants to be his bride now that Chaofeng has lost his power and calls her an opportunist. He really thinks that someone who has a choice between Wudai and Chaofeng would pick him instead.

Qingkui leads them to Lamu’s village. But as they arrive, the villagers tell them Lamu left a month ago.

Garhh, how dare you lie to meee, the Void Queen is mad. She and Dingyun attack Qingkui.

But Chaofeng and Haichao come just in time to stop them. Chaofeng uses his power anyway despite the chocolate pill they made him swallow to seal his magic.

Chaofeng and Haichao were hoping to make a quick rescue and get out of there but things don’t work out as they wanted. So Chaofeng only gets to be awesome for one minute before the pill’s magic reins him in and he collapses. The Void Queen lets him have it hard this time, she beats him down and has him cough up blood.

Qingkui runs over. Dingyun takes the chance to attack. Chaofeng shoots up to shield Qingkui from the blow. So much for “I have never loved you”.

Haichao pushes Dingyun back and teleports his boss and Qingkui out of there.

At a safe place, Chaofeng acts up again and tells Qingkui to go mind her own business, and that he never meant well so she should stay away from him. Listen, the whole town saw you grab onto her like a lifeline a minute ago, it’s too late for the “heartless player” act now.

Qingkui declares that since he got her in trouble and nearly caused her to die, his life belongs to her (like a payment), and we’re going to the Beast Kingdom, end of discussion.

And Chaofeng is like, well you can’t make me.

Both Haichao and Qingkui have had enough of Chaofeng’s mood swings at this point so they both drag him away to Dilanjue’s place despite his protest.

But let’s backtrack for a moment here: Qingkui doesn’t know any magic; the Void Queen had Chaofeng on the ground vomiting blood at the time; Haichao had to recover from a blow and fly over from across the field. But even THEN, Dingyun managed to let them escape? How useless can this dude be?

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