‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 16 Recap — Hanxiang is Hard to Convince


The group sneaks Meng Dan into the palace as one of the performers for a banquet. Erkang orchestrates the whole thing, which means he’s also responsible for this creepy dance we see here. I know it’s a piece of culture, Erkang, and it has great meaning; it’s also meant to be a disguise, but I’m not sure it’s something you should put on stage. Cause you and the gang look more suspicious this way. 

Anyway, one of those dancers is Meng Dan. At the end of the performance, the gang helps bring Hanxiang to Shufang Palace and she finally gets to meet Meng Dan.

Once they have gone out of earshot to talk, Ziwei comments that they must have a lot of teary things to say to each other. And you can bet that Erkang can turn any comment from anyone into an opportunity to stare at Ziwei with unexplained agony.

In the inner room, Hanxiang and Meng Dan do their best to show you why you should be on their ship. And by that I mean there’s a lot of shouting, guilt-tripping and rage kissing.

Meng Dan tries to convince Hanxiang to run away with him, but Hanxiang is like: errr… I’ll get back to you on that, ok?

Anyway, they’re in love, and it’s a love our lead couples are willing to risk committing treason for. Just go with it.

The dowager and empress discover that our couples have disappeared and they just can’t stay away, so they go to Shufang Palace to see what the kids are up to.

But don’t you worry, the gang is totally ready for this scenario, they put on a fake performance and tell the dowager that it’s to get rid of all the bad luck their place has.

Xiaoyanzi seizes this chance to scare the heck out of Nanny Rong. Once again, I’ve got to say that nobody can sell this nonsense in a non-annoying way like Vicky Zhao.

The emperor comes over to play chess with the girls that night. He has a great time with Ziwei, and beats Xiaoyanzi in every single round, then, when the kids beg him to stay a little more, he’s like: nope, time to go see my new wife.

And everyone’s like: oh no.


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