Si Ming and Chengyu are racking their brains to think of a way to help Fengjiu both to get a little of Donghua’s attention and to get her fox tails back.
Jiheng is suddenly happy about something.

The princess who is Donghua’s cousin is busy practicing… magic somewhere, but upon the news of Donghua getting married, she abandons whatever it is she’s doing and returns to the Heavenly Palace.

Fengjiu is lamenting the eventual farewell (cause Donghua is GETTING MARRIED) and having flashbacks of her pet time with him.

When Donghua looks like he’s holding the key to world peace in his hands…

And the camera rolls down and we realize he’s just pondering over the roasted potatoes Fengjiu left behind.

At Qingqiu, we get to visit some characters who appeared in Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms: Fengjiu’s father and A-li.

So… is A-li a girl in this version?
Fengjiu’s father expresses his worry about Bai Qian’s influence on Fengjiu because the girl has turned out to be too mischievous.
Well… Let me tell you something, uncle — if Fengjiu has been guided by BAI QIAN, mischief is the last thing you should be worried about. What you SHOULD worry about is that she might be incapable of figuring out a guy’s intentions even when he has carried her off to bed twice but still continues to let him do it.
Anyway, at the Peach Blossom Woods, Zheyan gives us a peak into his dark side and offers to flatten Donghua’s palace to cheer Fengjiu up.
On Donghua’s wedding day, the adorable Demon Lord Yan Chiwu launches an attack and attempts to steal the bride, whom he believes to be Jiheng, away. But as her bridal veil comes off…

So, while people run around trying to solve the consequences of this diplomatic disaster and also trying not to offend Donghua, it is revealed that the man himself has actually let Jiheng go the day before as he understood her discontent with the marriage and since he has promised her father to “take care” of her.

Never thought I’d say this but good job, Donghua. I thought you were just another bored guy who sits around and waits for a chance to jump into some Demon’s black hole, but you’re actually getting things done while watching everyone else panic. Let’s hope your sense of humor persists.
Everyone just looks so off here
🤣 🤣Yes, they’re all a little… unsure of the stuff that’s going on.
This time I’m not posting and opinion or anything, I just want to let you know that I’m looking foward to read and watch all the material I missed these lasts few months… And I’m trilled to make some fun at Donhua’s character XD
We’ll have a blast poking fun at him 😀
Please review The blooms at Ruyi pavilion….its still ongoing…And there are lot of discussions about this drama nowadays