Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 54)

After some prolonged waiting, Fengjiu concludes that Donghua has betrayed her. And even though she does stop by the demon realm and gets some news, she finds his lack of communication fishy. Yes, this is why you don’t marry someone who used to hang out with your grandparents, OK? And General Ye would have treated you better, that’s all I’m saying.

During their talk, Zheyan the doctor also figures out something else about Fengjiu: there’s a baby on the way. Fengjiu has no more to say for Donghua now, she packs up and leaves for the mortal realm, has a son, and raises him there. If you are wondering why I don’t go into more details about Fengjiu’s struggle as she lives and takes care of a kid alone in a mortal town without magic, it is because the drama shows us none. All of this happens in about half an episode.

Donghua and his people continued to deal with the demon lady where she has wreaked havoc. At this time, Donghua asks Xiaoyan whether the latter has delivered the message to Fengjiu as they discussed some time before the battle.

Oops, Xiaoyan has forgotten to do so. Donghua coughs up blood upon hearing this. I guess I should blame Xiaoyan for the mess that is Donghua and Fengjiu’s misunderstanding – or I think that’s what the drama wants – but I just don’t. Because Xiaoyan is a cinnamon roll there’s a war going on, and it is within Xiaoyan’s right not to consider Donghua’s love letters a top priority.

Also, doesn’t Donghua have servants? Get your own mail service, OK! Xiaoyan is a big help during this demon-breakout, and making him waste time for a message delivery is not very practical.

In the mortal realm, Fengjiu’s son, whom she has named Gungun, has grown up. He is having a hard time with his friends. They all want to know where his father is.


  1. I 100% agree with you… Xiao is a cinammon roll… I mean he had better and more urgent things to do.

  2. Also if I ever re watch this drama, I’m gonna make an effort tonreally count how much energy an spirit power everyone loses. Is really funny to notice that donghua lifespam gets extendend just because is older than anyone else xd

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