Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 53)

It’s the day of the wedding, but Donghua is also having to deal with a lot of demon-breaking-out stuff, without telling Fengjiu, of course.

And Jiheng chooses today to call on that promise Donghua has made her father, the promise that says he would do any favour for Jiheng if she asks. So, Donghua, having quite an enormous amount of confidence in his own sense of time, leaves to see what Jiheng wants.

And what does Jiheng wants? She wants him to call off the wedding with Fengjiu. Well yes, that definitely makes the man notice you now if you haven’t done so before. She also looks like she’s dying from some poison, and Donghua has to cure her by himself.

But Donghua doesn’t agree to her first request, of course. He takes Jiheng back to her brother, telling the brother and Xiaoyan to take better care of her from now on and never to let her out of the demon realm again. Cause Donghua just has that kind of authority, I guess.

Donghua also tells his confidantes not to let Fengjiu know about the dire situation with the demon lady.

Back at home, Fengjiu and her family are wondering why the groom has not shown up. But Fengjiu decides she will wait for Donghua to explain first before giving him the boot.

After this last awful experience with Donghua, Jiheng miraculously warms up to Xiaoyan.


Surprisingly, I don’t find Jiheng annoying anymore. No, it is not because she is behaving better, but because the drama seems determined to make us hate her. Her actions and thought process are all over the place; sometimes she’s deep, sometimes she’s more shallow than a puddle. She jumps back and forth with her development and her goals are never clear. So I have concluded that the drama has gone out of its way to make her into a tool to divide Fengjiu and Donghua in this last arc. And you can’t hate a tool, can you?


  1. I cried like crazy in this episode just because os seeing Feng sitting waiting for him was to heartbreaking for me 💔

    1. Author

      Yes, she trusted him completely and then boom 🙁

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