Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 49)

We finally learn who Shenye is: the shadow of Donghua that was sent to protect the valley in Donghua’s absence. This was done by one of the immortals who tended to Donghua while he was unconscious waaay back. And because all the people who know took some Oblivious Potion, no one found out until now.

But what about Aranya? She was also a shadow Fengjiu sent to accompany Donghua’s shadow.

Meanwhile, Fengjiu and Shenye talk the matter over. Fengjiu agrees to act out the part of Ara until the end, hoping that can help Ara to come back to Shenye.

The problem is, though, since Ara was only a shadow, she can’t be resurrected even if Shenye tries to gather her soul. Ouch, so Shenye turned the Bird Kingdom into a winter resort for nothing? So before Fengjiu can act out the role Ara played during the battle, Donghua and Moye come to stop them and stop Fengjiu from dying like Ara did.

As Donghua takes Fengjiu away, Moye gives Shenye the mirror so he can watch the shadow drama too.

Overcome by grief, Shenye drowns himself. His spirit returns to Donghua.

The Demon Lady observes them from afar all this time. She possesses the body of a soldier, gets close to Fengjiu and sucked out a little power gem from her.

Donghua brings Fengjiu back to the Bird kingdom, the real one. They stay there to recuperate. Jiheng walks by at one point and sees them in bed together.

In Jiheng’s defense, she probably doesn’t intend to cause trouble this time. The room Donghua and Fengjiu are staying in used to be Xiaoyan; and that might be whom Jiheng was looking for.

Near the demon realm, the good demon lords are trying to contain the evil forces caused by the Demon Lady. She is nearly strong enough to break out completely.


Fengjiu and Donghua’s shadows have better angst than Fengjiu and Donghua. Give me some real heartbreak already, Fox and Rock. You two have been way too sweet lately.


  1. I’m re reading this post jajajaja since I’m lacking of inspiration to watch dramas lately. I still think that in this part shenye had tonbe played by another actor to get that emotional break down that shenye was feeling when he learns that his life is just a joke to the gods…. even if I love Vengo’s acting in this whole arc.

    1. Author

      Heyyy there. Donghua’s romance never gets old, isn’t it. In both dramas he’s in XD

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