Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 16)

After the whole poisoned-cakes incident, Mortal-Donghua makes it up to Fengjiu by giving her some gifts, which she refuses. He is saddened and thinks that this indicates she’s still angry at him. Good point, Donghua, but I wouldn’t stress too much about it. It could simply mean she doesn’t trust your taste. Cause, like, have you seen the way you dress lately?

Needless to say, the Empress Dowager is not too happy about Donghua’s doting on this woman. What imperial mother is ever happy about their son being happy anyway?

Fengjiu, on the other hand, being a good-natured girl as always, gives General Ye a gift to show her appreciation of his help the past few days. This makes things particularly difficult for him because he’s trying to forget how gorgeous she is and… stuff.

Wan Lady (Jiheng) pretends to be sick (or she could be for real, frankly, everything this girl does seems to be an act at this point).

Mortal-Donghua takes Fengjiu on a date in the imperial tomb. Yayy…

Once inside, he reveals that for some reason, he trusts she is the person sent by the gods to help him protect the national treasure, aka shiny green stone. His random guess turns out to be true, Fengjiu and he are the only people who can make the stone glow upon touching it. Should have gotten to know her more before taking her to this secret place, though, right, Donghua? What if she turned out to be scheming all this time to steal the stone, like some other lady you don’t have your guard up against is doing?

While talking about a plan to enhance security around this stone, Donghua makes a crucial and most astute observation ever:

Fengjiu is beautiful.

Thanks, I guess.

Then they continue to discuss ways to improve protections for the stone. Although, I’m not sure how effective their working together will be because as of now, a large chunk of Donghua’s time seems to be devoted to making cakes and roasted vegetables for Fengjiu, trying to kiss Fengjiu, and scratching Fengjiu’s ears (which, from a pet fox’s perspective, she totally loves).



  1. I love that youre continuing the series😍
    Just a question, did you skip Episode 12-15 or did i just miss something🤔

    1. Author

      Hi there! Sorry for the confusion. I made video recaps for 12-15, but went back to writing because it’s quicker this way😄😄

      1. Oh ofcouse, seems like i forgot that😅
        Thank you!

  2. The petting thing is just… blaahhhhhh jajajajaja por Donghua, I love him, but I was still in General’s Ye ship at this point jejejeje…

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