‘Princess Pearl 2’: Ep. 30 Recap — Incompetent Officials and Smart Princesses


Back at the palace, the officials try to justify their incompetence by inflating the story of Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi being rescued. They say from ten to twenty highly skilled martial artists came to the rescue while in fact there were only two.

The emperor is angry but Lady Ling points out that this is inevitable, cause like what else was he expecting? The severed heads of his dead daughters presented to him? Of course not.

The empress and Dowager + Qing’er join them shortly afterwards. The empress has something to say: two verrrry suspicious people came to visit the two princesses in jail last night, so can they be the ones who let Erkang go and initiate the rescue today? Huh? Huh?

But Qing’er rescues the situation by… telling the truth: yes, Lady Ling and I faked a decree and visited the prisoners, whatya gonna do about it?

No one does anything of course, Qing’er is too smart. She says that if anyone who visited the prisoners are suspect, then the empress is also a suspect.

Qing’er also challenges the emperor by asking if he really wants to lose her and Lady Ling too now that his most beloved concubine and daughters are gone.

Qing’er is reprimanded by the dowager afterwards. She says she will make up for her mistake by devoting her life to the dowager forever without ever getting married. Errrr… You might want to rethink that, I’m not sure it’s worth it.

Jinsuo suffers for five minutes on-screen before the Liu siblings and Erkang come to rescue her and beat up the jailers. Then they move on to release the rest of the prisoners in exile. Well, I know you’re feeling heroic right now, Erkang, but you don’t know those guys! They could be murderers!

Let’s skip the tearing Jinsuo-Ziwei reunion.

Afterwards, some officers come to search the farmer’s house. Another bunch of useless and alcoholic officers, easily fooled by Xiaoyanzi’s simple toilet jokes, so it’s all good.

Later on, the gang hold a meeting to decide their next destination and who’s going with whom. Hanxiang wants all of them to be together, but Xiaojian is like: heck no, the two of you have caused us enough trouble, go alone. He says it nicely, of course.

The rest of them, however, decide to stick together.

Next, wedding time for Hanxiang and Meng Dan. So Meng Dan can stop looking so stoned all the time.

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