Fengjiu and Donghua have some more interactions in this episode and we, the audience, are once again granted the pleasure of watching Donghua being knocked into water.
But he can swim fine this time, so… that kind of slices the fun in half.
Starting the episode, the Star Lord rushes to the fox cave to ask Fengjiu whether she has used magic to help Donghua in the mortal land earlier, he also observes that she’s looking paler than usual. Which… I don’t know how he could even tell, because our girl looks like she’s ready for a pool party anytime.
So the Star Lord scolds Fengjiu, of course, after she confesses; and he tells her that Donghua’s life WAS supposed to be in peril so that a mortal girl would save him and initiate his love trial.
After some discussion, the Star Lord agrees to let Fengjiu go down the mortal land to find this girl and help her get it on with Donghua so that everything will be back on track.
Hmm… Does the Star Lord know this “girl” is supposed to be Fengjiu and let her go down there on purpose? Because finding the destined girl sounds like an important job HE should be doing, not Fengjiu.
In the mortal land, during an attempted assassination aimed at Jiheng (who is now pretending to be the princess Donghua is supposed to marry), one of Donghua’s close attendant/general recognizes Fengjiu and brings her to the palace to meet him.
Which, to me, looks more like a moment of… er… “where has she been all my life?”.
At his court, Donghua is surprised but intrigued by Fengjiu’s lack of manners, so he tries to signal for her to kneel using the most powerful weapon he possesses ever since Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms: the eyebrow movements.
And Fengjiu is like: “Yep, I’m sold.”
Later that night, a happy and drunk Fengjiu bumped into Donghua, they both fell into a pond and he nearly catches her with her hair all down, revealing the exact same face he’s been seeing the womanly features on her face.
She quickly dived and disappeared.
Donghua now starts to have teenage day dreams about this extremely beautiful woman who seemed to have vanished into thin air.
Well, you’d better be quick, Donghua, because I’m starting to ship Fengjiu and your general best friend already.
When will more episodes be reviewed? Don’t stop! Love, love your writing!,
Hi Mary! Thanks for reading these recaps, we’ll definitely pick it up soon. We’re in the process of reorganizing this site so it’s just been a little busy

Will you continue this review? I really like it
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I do plan to continue with these recaps, though they will be slow