‘You Are My Glory’: Ep. 6 – 10 Recap — Bad Singing and Space Trouble

Friendship is in the air.


Jingjing and Yutu are not besties yet but they are very much on the way to be. Good, being best friends first is a great foundation for a romance. They text back and forth, he brings her food with the right amount of calories every day and smiles while she obsesses over her body weight.

Once in a while, Yutu would be invited to a guys’ drinkie. They have a lot of those in this drama, by the way. I mean, how many reunions can one have in the same month?

All these get-togethers usually make Yutu feel bad about his current situation, and Jingjing would be right there to cheer him up with her optimism.

Once, while sulking after a dinner with a friend, Yutu turns on his phone and listens to Jingjing sing live for her audience. It’s… not a good performance; it sounds like a robot is singing for her, either that or Jingjing never got any vocal lessons past karaoke and her fans just don’t care. But hey it works for Yutu. He feels significantly cheered up afterwards.

So far, this drama excels at slow-burning, and I’m not complaining.

And after ten years a while, guess what? We finally have some progress. They’re going out to watch a movie together!

Yutu texts Jingjing, she runs out to join him in a face mask (to avoid paparazzi), they walk a romantic walk to the theatre, and — ohhhh, he touches her phone again. Guys, her phone! So much in five minutes, you’ve gotta slow down, we can’t keep up!

They get to the theatre, sneak past stalkers and finally sit down together to watch… Coco? Huh.

Later on, Yutu talks to Jingjing; and this time, he tells her the truth about his situation: his mother is ill, and he needs to make more money to help his family but the job at the aerospace station is just not paying well. So he plans to find another job. With his education level and skills, that’s not hard, but it would mean putting a hold on his dream. Aww, we can all relate — having to question and even abandon the career choice that you’ve always trusted in for financial security.

Jingjing can’t do anything to help Yutu right now. Even though she has money to spare, she probably knows he won’t take it. So what do we do? Dinner date at a fancy restaurant!

Though, as Jingjing waits for Yutu to join her in the private dining room, he comes in to ask a favor of her: his mentor and this man’s wife have been waiting for so long for a table already, so Yutu asks if Jingjing is ok with letting them have this VIP room. Er… ok…? What kind of move is this?

Jingjing is a nice girl, though, so she agrees right away, she even asks to join the old couple. That’s kind of her but I don’t think anyone will be comfortable with this set up. What if the professor and his wife want some private time?

And you know, they do. It’s their anniversary. But they let the two kids join in anyway. Things would’ve been great if they’d just enjoyed the food and the evening, but no, the professor just has to use this opportunity to push Yutu to come back to work at the aerospace station because: dreams and causes.

Yutu respects his mentor a lot so he decides to tell the truth, no matter how hard it is: he needs a job with better pay. Noooo… secondhand agony for the audience. It’s a well-done scene to convey Yutu’s dilemma.

But instead of taking a second to try and understand Yutu’s difficulty, the professor says he is disappointed because oh one of his best students is abandoning this space dream for money. You know, professor, when someone confesses to you they need money with such sincerity, chances are, they have reasons that aren’t typical.

And look at this rabbit’s face, does it say greed to you?

Even the wife is like: can you stop? You’re embarrassing me.

Jingjing draws the line at this and speaks up for Yutu.

But he gets mad at her for being rude to his professor. Aww, it’s their first fight.

Yutu texts Jingjing to apologize later, but before we know her answer, Yutu is called back to the space station. Space is in trouble and they need all capable hands behind the wheel.

I’m not completely sure what’s happening, but it’s giving Star Trek vibe, and that’s good. It has something to do with a space storm and some misaligned satellites. Suddenly, we’re all in survival mode and game time seems like a lifetime away.

As Jingjing reflects on what happened and questions herself and her job, Yutu has to camp at work with no release date in sight.

Episodes 11 – 15


  1. When you do posts like these, I really wish for a video recap, cause I can hear your voice and it wouldake me laugh harder. Thanks for the recap. Heading to the next part.

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