‘You Are My Glory’: Ep. 21 – 25 Recap — Fluff Overload (for real)

A good romance has just enough fluff to keep you intrigued. You put in too much fluff and it becomes a fanfiction. That’s what these five episodes feel like: a fanfiction of the previous twenty. And I feel like I’m intruding on a couple’s life instead of watching a story unfold.


Jingjing and Yutu’s high school friends hold a reunion at a karaoke place. Jingjing comes to join them. I’m honestly not sure whether she just wants to see her friends or if she’s there in the hope of running into Yutu too.

Yutu, though, definitely just wants to see Jingjing. As soon as he gets the news that Jingjing is there, he grabs a cab and runs.

Traffic on the road! Of course. Yutu gets out of the car and runs on foot.

Can you say on the sidewalk, though?

When he gets to the karaoke place, Yutu plays it cool in front of his friends for like one minute then gets on his knees and asks for her answer.

Jingjing says all is well. And they kiss.

Everyone around enjoys this a lot more than Jingjing does, it seems.

What can be better entertainment than watching your two most beautiful high school friends kiss at a reunion?

Jingjing and Yutu bow out of there and the official romance begins.

I want to say that I enjoy their moments together after a lot of conflict on both sides, but these “moments” drag out a little too long that by the end of episode 25, I was rooting for a meteor to hit something so Yutu would be called back to work.

Anyway, this is the stuff that Jingjing and Yutu do during these five episodes:

Introducing themselves to each other’s parents.

Boat date.


Taking pictures of their lunches and sending them to each other.

“Stay over” trope.

Glueing their eyes to their phones. Texting.

More texting. Listen, I don’t know if you’re using Apple or Samsung, but neither of those companies needs more publicity.

Jingjing lying on Yutu’s lap.

Is his lap even comfortable? I don’t think so. She looks like she has to lie on one of those ceramic pillows from period dramas.

There are some things worth nothing, however.

By the end of episode 25, we get a full-blast make-out scene. No, I’m just kidding. It’s a kiss more intense than the other kisses we’ve seen so far and it’s on a bed.

Yutu asks for Jingjing’s consent to make that upgrade, and the comment session of this ep. on Youtube explodes with “what a gentleman!!!” comments. Though I’m not sure Jingjing’s head is still functioning at this time to give a fully informed answer. But hey, it’s Yutu, the worst that can happen is him forgetting to set an alarm clock before they fall asleep in each other’s arms.

Yutu also tells Jingjing at one point that he will try to be more initiative — which I think is hilarious, he makes the romance sound like a science project — but she must let him know if he’s ever overstepping. Good good, making up for all those male leads who think that grabby equals hot.

Also, Yutu says that’s a rocket plush.

That… is NOT a rocket.


So these episodes obviously aim to serve fans and make up for the lack of fluff in the previous episodes. Which is good. But after a while, things become repetitive and it seems we’re losing sight of Yutu and Jingjing’s character during this attempt to show that they are the perfect partner for one another.

Yes, I know Jingjing is supportive of Yutu’s career and yes, I also know Yutu is the perfect science man who will take a two-hour subway to bring his girl breakfast. Can we… erm… go back to building spaceships and celebrity life struggles?

Hopefully, the drama will pick up the pace in the next episodes.

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