‘You Are My Glory’: Ep. 11 – 15 Recap — Oranges and Rejections

We finally find out why this drama includes a secondary couple who are Yutu’s friends. At first, they seem to just be there for unnecessary drama, but there is a point.

Also, the annoying professor from last time makes up for his behaviour well in these episodes.

EPISODES 11 – 15

Yutu waits in front of Jingjing’s place to see her and apologize for his harsh words to her the other day. He just came out of work too, which means he took a bus straight to Jingjing’s without stopping to eat… or to shower.

Jingjing forgives him and asks her chauffeur to take him home.

Now, last time, when Yutu’s friend visited his wife and son all happy and stuff, he already kind of gave off the impression that something was wrong, you know, something like… CANCER.

It turns out, he does have cancer. Cause unknown. But we do know that as someone who works for a space station, he deals with endless stress and barely gets proper rest. This life could be Yutu’s life one day. So, besides feeling sorry for his friend, this makes Yutu’s dilemma even more difficult. And what if he gets married, it’s likely he will never have time for his family, just like his friend.

After Yutu comes home from Jingjing’s place, he is called to his friend’s side right away to help out. By the way, did he ever shower? Because he’s been wearing the same outfit the whole time.

Good news: Yutu and Jingjing’s trust in each other only increases by the day. Yutu trusts her so much that he has no problem giving her his phone’s password and letting her scroll through his social media.

One day, Jingjing pushes that trust a little and lands in a pretty awkward position.

Good thing Yutu is pretty classy about it: what? You reached across me to get an orange? Here, take your orange.

The contest we’re all waiting for is finally here. It’s time for Jingjing to prove to her fans she can actually play the game she endorses. They have so much fun. I wouldn’t say that I care about this game, but it’s sure exciting to watch them all get hardcore with it.

It looks like they picked real-life players of this game for the segment too, because they all look pretty smart in a way that you can only be if you spent hours fidgeting with a device.

When the game gets to a phase where Jingjing needs to pick a new player for her team, she chooses Yutu. And as expected, he glides down those stairs and up the stage like he was modelling for Ralph Lauren.

Everyone swoons and comments on how hot Yutu is and how great these two look together, which I don’t think is necessary. I mean, it’s Dilmurat and Yang Yang.

While playing together, Jingjing is especially happy that Yutu enjoys this activity so much. It’s a rare moment for her because he broods most of the time from the beginning of the drama till now.

Eyes back on the game, though, Jingjing. It’s still a contest.

They win in the end.

During all this, a guy watches them from the upper balcony and doesn’t seem happy that Yutu and Jingjing are close. Is it her ex with the glasses?

Afterwards, Jingjing and Yutu take a ride home together. In the car, Yutu says he will go back to his work at the space station. It must have taken some massive brooding for him to reach this decision, but finally, he’s going for his dream.

But a sad reality comes with it: Yutu is not going to have any more free time from now on. Not for family, friends, games, or extremely beautiful girlfriends.

Jingjing doesn’t give up yet, she runs after Yutu and asks him out again, to which he says no. Gahhh! Another rejection! The poor girl.

We belong in different worlds, he says. It’s a valid reason, I can’t fault him for this.

The only thing I will note here is that I hope after he’s done brooding, Yutu will consider what Jingjing wants instead of assuming she wants a family-man who can spend a lot of time with her. Jingjing is also a career woman, it isn’t like she will have that much time for him, either. Maybe mutual support and respect for each other’s career is all they need to make their relationship work. So if you think about it, their situation is actually perfect.

Back to the show, Jingjing is heartbroken but she walks away (or runs away) with dignity, but without noticing a big fat tear rolling down Yutu’s face. Very good acting, I’m impressed.

Back at work, Yutu’s mentor apologizes to him about what happened in their last conversation. He even says Jingjing is a nice girl and that Yutu should consider going out with her.

But Yutu responds with the classic “what do I have to offer her?”. Side note: this is not what he says literally, the phrase is roughly more like “what right have I to pursue her?”. But in this situation, we can understand that Yutu doesn’t think he deserves Jingjing because he has too little to offer.

This pisses the professor off so much that he begins to scold Yutu again. He’s like: our place (the space institution) is big on romance, we do not tolerate unromantic fools like you! Or something like that.

Episodes 16 – 20


  1. Okay, the contest is the episode where I fully got into this show and not just watching YouTube clips.

    1. Author

      You should revisit the previous episodes if you have time. I personally like those eps better than after the romance begins 😀

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