The Legend of Fei – Some (brief) Honest Thoughts

*This post is a follow-up to the Legend of Fei – Basically video.


Just to be clear, I do not hate this drama. “Hate” is an emotion, and I am not sure emotion is something The Legend of Fei has rendered from its viewers, positive or negative. Confusion? Definitely.

As mentioned in the video, there is a general lack of enthusiasm in this drama. Almost every character in The Legend of Fei appears to be constantly in some conflicted mood, as if they are being forced to do homework while there’s a party going on next door – even Zhao Liying, who has proven her skills several times before.

Bubbly cute food-lover, crushed and betrayed demon goddess, fox with a lamb’s face, internally conflicted warrior — Zhao Liying has convincingly done it all. Yet in The Legend of Fei, not even half of her capability is on display, which results in a main character with confusing priorities and interests.

This particular storyline is no longer new at this point. The plot is diluted due to the high number of episodes and, as always, isn’t free from plotholes. Although, they do show us these things earlier on in the drama, not towards the end like in Princess Agents, which might help some of us make up our mind faster about whether to continue investing our time in it. So… I guess this is actually a good thing?

There are a few other good things, of course. Because, let’s be honest, we have all endured worse.

Fei’s relationship with her cousin is enjoyable.

The witty and humorous fisherman who is in charge of the water fortress is a great inclusion. This actor has played this type of character several times before and he almost always shines in his role.

Zhao Liying’s wardrobe suits her well.

And her eyebrows are especially perfect this time.

Maybe more good things will emerge as the drama proceeds?


  1. Sorry but this drama sucks, that’s my opinion.

    1. Author

      That seems to be the popular opinion right now?

      1. Sorry but when you have a Zhao Liying in a project you expect much more. Even she did not look like she was enjoying her time acting the character out. Really sorry to ruin your time with this drama. If you enjoy it, it´s ok everyone has their opinion and we all should respect that but I can not say any good words about the characters´arc. I liked the soundtrack though, especially the ¨No extravagance¨ song.

      2. Author

        Yeah that’s what I meant, your opinion seems to be the popular opinion😂. I haven’t seen enough to see any character arc yet, just that Zhou Fei is really confusing.

      3. I’m sorry to break it to you but it’s gonna get worse.

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