Doctors is a K-drama from 1997. You would think that a drama this old is bound to be cringy and unnecessary. There are definitely melodramatic factors about it that we can live without nowadays. But watching it now, I would say that this drama still thrives, mostly due to theContinue Reading

Dramas nowadays are good, they really are. Sure, tropes, clichés, and bad endings are everywhere; but in general, we have been treated with great productions in the last decade. Stories are becoming more in line with real-life’s psychology, characters more layered, costumes more authentic, so and so. All being said,Continue Reading

Now… I know what all of you who are from the ’90s are going to say – the 1986 version is an unrivalled classic. Yes, it is, there is no argument there, but that should not mean any version that comes after it is automatically rubbish. (Although, there are alsoContinue Reading