‘Rise of Phoenixes’: Ep. 26 – 30 — Tiny Setback for Ning Yi

A lot happens in these episodes. here are the highlights:


Ning Yi and Xin Ziyan are still holding their dates meetings in secret.

Ning Qi, the 7th Prince, has started to show signs of duplicity and deceit but is still adorable around his mom and his wife. It looks like when he is with these two people, he is the best version of himself.

During a mission for Ning Sheng, the 2nd Prince, Zhiwei’s arm gets injured. It’s not a big injury, but it’s big enough to warrant one of those “moments” from Zhiwei and Ning Yi.

When Ning Yi visits her later on, she blushes. He blushes. Nanyi is like, give me a break, people.

Then they — Ning Yi and Zhiwei — start to talk about dreams and ambitions and Ning Yi suddenly declares in a whisper: some things, some words can only exist in the dark.

Hmm… I figured he was just going to sweep that whole sniffing thing under the rug but he surprises me here. He actually acknowledges their confusing moments in that house.

Back at Zhiwei’s old home, her mom and Zong Chen are still scheming to sink the main ship, as if Ning Yi wasn’t already doing that himself.

In these episodes, we’re introduced to a new character: Helian Zheng, guy who thinks he’s a lady killer, but ends up making a fool of himself every time.

To be fair, he has his charms and does have some good qualities: loyalty is one. And sometimes it looks like the drama dumbs him down on purpose so Ning Yi can shine, which is not necessary since Ning Yi already shines.

Along with Helian Zheng, we have Zhan Bi, the man Ning Yi’s mother supposedly had an affair with back then.

Ning Sheng grabs this chance to plan to humiliate Ning Yi. He and the princess drag Zhiwei into a plot that ends with Ning Yi being drugged. The drug causes red marks to appear on Ning Yi’s arms.

These red marks, according to a local legend, indicate that the person is a descendant of Riluo, the tribe Zhan Bi is from, implying that Ning Yi is the son of Zhan Bi, not the emperor’s.

During this time, Ning Yi and Zhan Bi have a little interaction. And just like any kid who meets his single parent’s date for the first time, Ning Yi is like, really, mom? This guy?

Seriously, though, what’s special about this Zhan Bi person? They don’t tell us anything except that he’s a nice guy. But for a woman of that calibre to take that much risk and have an affair, the man on the receiving end must offer more than just “nice”? Or maybe after so many years with someone as cold and ruthless as the Tiansheng emperor, any guy would seem like an upgrade?

A few days later in court, Ning Sheng brings up this matter and convinces everyone that Ning Yi needs to be stripped and checked for these red marks.

Is the disrobing (of the outer robe) really necessary, though? They end up just checking his arm. So why not just simply roll up his sleeve? You’re giving the boy trauma here.

Anyways, Zhiwei had understood the situation beforehand so she managed to sneak the drug that Ning Yi had consumed into everyone’s tea that day. So now they all have red marks on their arms. Whoever wrote that urban legend about the red marks should retire now.

This episode ends with Ning Yi breaking down in tears about being humiliated. But we all know what’s going to happen: Ning Sheng is going to GET THE AXE very soon.

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