Princess Agents – (very brief) Thoughts

*This post is the follow-up of Princess Agents‘ Basically video.

Here we are: the post that is about three hundred years too late.

Now, the elephant in the room: It is a pity that Princess Agents had to take the incomprehensible open-ending route and leave us all wondering what on earth those FIFTY-SEVEN previous episodes were for. But even with that disappointing conclusion (or is it? Is the possibility of season 2 still up for discussion?), the beginning of this drama remains fairly engaging.

Chu Qiao / Xing’er – yes, Zhao Liying is still as cute as a bunny here, her too innocent appearance and all the ballet she does with Yuwen Yue in the drama do little to help illustrate the image of a female warrior she plays. But once again, Zhao Liying proves to be more than capable of delivering another unlikely role, and it’s all down to the emotions.

Her character: a perplexed and torn girl who is forced to put up a façade to deal with the attractiveness of her mentor harsh world. And Zhao Liying conveys the turmoil that runs underneath this girl’s unruffled mask with little expression and very few problems. Well… most of the time she does; other times — what can actors do if the writer isn’t even sure of a story’s direction?

Yuwen Yue – I suppose you cannot look at Lin Gengxin and not be reminded of the innocent Fourteenth Prince of Scarlet Heart. No matter how ruthless and calculating his character seems, there’s always that spark of decency and kindness in him, intentional or not. What took you so long to realize this guy’s motives, Xing’er?

We can all agree by now that Princess Agents could use a much better script (and much less light). The characters veer off course after a while and our female lead is not given the story arc or the consistency she deserves.

And the lead couple’s relationship, let me put it this way: they at least make more sense than some (namely Lingxi and Jiuchen) in terms of characterization, because at least BOTH OF THEM go out to make trouble accomplish their missions and are responsible for whatever happens.

Can you two cut back on the dancing, though?


  1. Still love the tv show and I also love your posts keep going

    1. Author

      Thanks, Alessandra! 😀

  2. God this show could’ve been so great

  3. I just finished this series and wondered if the show went through different editors? The pacing was good at the start and then really dragged, especially during episode 24 and 25, and then a hit and miss for the rest until someone reminded the post-production crew that they needed to wrap up the story in episode 58. They tried too hard to underscore the tragedy of the second male and female lead. I really like Xing’er and Yuweh Yue, though Xing’er has a bit of the White Knight Syndrome. Thanks for your post and video – I love your critiques!

    1. Author

      Thanks, Ucilia🙂. Yep, the later half of Princess Agents just tries to dramatize the subplot and neglects Xing’er’s main story arc, it’s a pity because the drama really had potential and the cast could’ve delivered it 🙁

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