A party takes place. The king and the princesses take turns interrogating Fengjiu about the whereabouts of her husband. They get frustrated because she doesn’t know where he is… The husband they know doesn’t care about her and hope will never care. This family is weird, what do they want from Aranya, anyway?
But Donghua shows up just in time to save the day. He is not happy that Fengjiu is getting questioned. He moves on to put what looks like a bedsheet – I guess it’s a cloak — on her.
The royal family are puzzled by this. Seems like they counted on him to join them in bullying her.
Donghua takes Fengjiu back to her seat and says that he only ignored her previously out of jealousy because she’s been spending too much time with her Shifu Moye. And he makes sure he says this loud enough so everyone can hear him. Even Moye is too stunned to respond. Haha…
Donghua also drinks from Fengjiu’s cup. When she points out that it might look improper, he simply shrugs it off. My post-COVID self fully supports Fengjiu here. Don’t go around sharing cups and bowls, dude, just don’t.
Fengjiu is unimpressed, though. She thinks his protective tendency is cool, but she’s showing no sign of being attracted to the guy.
That night, Shenye sits alone and wishes Aranya happiness, even though he doesn’t like their current arrangement one bit. I have figured out why the role of Shenye is so intriguing, he’s basically the General Ye of this realm, sacrificing his love life for duty and forever protecting the girl in the background (don’t turn rotten, OK?).

Plus, it’s hard to beat a rogue-looking Donghua, even for the real Donghua. See? Front hair strands don’t always look bad. You just have to put them on the right guy and not make it look like he uses a hair-straightener every morning.
There’s another revelation in this episode. It turns out, that Princess Quiet is engaged to Shenye, but she’s been having an affair with someone else. However, she isn’t happy to see him care about Aranya.
Petty and Quiet begin to scheme. They write a fake letter in an effort to get Fengjiu and Moye together so they could “expose” the “affair.” They go so far as successfully drugging Fengjiu.
But Moye and Donghua aren’t easy to fool. They discover this scheme and draw their own scheme.
The next day, Petty and Quiet drag the king to Fengjiu’s bedroom, shouting out that Moye is sharing Fengjiu’s bed, because, look! There’s a white robe hung in a corner. The intelligence of these girls…
But they were all shocked when Donghua emerges from behind the canopy. Whoops, daddy won’t be happy with you this time, Petty.
The princesses get punished immediately. Though later on, Moye finds that their punishments, especially Quiet’s, are harsher than they should be. When asked, Donghua says that this is exactly what he wanted for Quiet. Hmm, he seems a little petty with this answer.
We also learn that the king doesn’t like Princess Quiet much, either, due to the origin of her birth. The point is, he’s been waiting for this opportunity to get rid of her too.
After Donghua leaves to take care of some business elsewhere, Moye goes to talk to Fengjiu. He doesn’t believe Quiet should die.
At one point i began to wonder if anyone in the dream knows how to like someone, or if they just hate everyone.
Right, everyone just hates everyone in this palace😂
OOHHH MYYYYY…. This getting Aranya an Su Moye together plot is really diluded in the drama, bu is a really hot scene… kind of like “let’s sleep together before Mo Yuan wakes up”… that kind of hot… Feng gets drugged with and afrodisciac or whatever and Su Moye is in love with Aranya, so he kinds of has this struggle trying to get her off him… until he remembers he need to swith with Donghua or he will kill him… literally. Maybe the hotness doesn’t do anything for the plot bue that was a sight fun to watch… everything that makes Donghua doubt himself will have been nice 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, a dent in his armor would be very nice XD