Donghua brings Fengjiu back to the school at the Bird Kingdom that night as she was getting worn out by the extreme cold.
It turns out, Fengjiu is quite embarrassing when she’s sick: crying like a baby, calling for her mom and all. It’s a side of her she was hoping no one besides her family would find out. Well, too late now.
At one point, she even grabs Donghua’s hand in her sleep and uses it as a pillow. I guess she IS her aunt’s niece.

But different from Moyuan, the pillar of virtue and wisdom – well, allegedly – who responded to this killer move from Bai Qian with grace, Donghua makes no attempt to stop Fengjiu. He climbs onto the bed and reads while she makes herself comfortable on his… stomach. “You cling on to me so I have no choice” is his defence.
When Fengjiu wakes up, Donghua leaves her to soak in what happened and goes to get her medicine for her. Jiheng is not happy about this. It’s weird how, back then, she was desperate to have nothing to do with Donghua. But now, after a period of absolutely no contact with him, she suddenly wants everything to do with him.
Donghua is quite determined not to give her the wrong idea this time. So he switches rooms with Xiaoyan, who is delighted to be near Jiheng.
During a conversation with an intuitive princess of this Bird Kingdom, Xiaoyan finally learns that Fengjiu might have a thing for Donghua, even though Fengjiu keeps denying it. He applies the same concept to this situation and believes that Jiheng’s cold front toward him may just be a mask after all. Just leave that girl be, Xiaoyan. Plus, you have better chemistry with Fengjiu anyway.
When Donghua goes to check on the demon lady this time, she says she has learnt his weakness: it’s a woman. *gasps*
At one point in this episode, Fengjiu and Donghua carry out their fall-and-catch scene just like every other couple. And somehow, this is how they end up looking: