Donghua holds a Tea Ritual class on top of a mountain. For some reason, Jiheng follows him everywhere now and is even allowed to make suggestions like his assistant. One of those suggestions is: let’s have a tea-brewing competition to see if the students have been listening to Donghua, which roughly means, I want to show off my tea-making skills to Donghua.

Xiaoyan the demon lord is happy that Jiheng is talking to him now, even if he’s just receiving orders regarding the competition.
That night, Fengjiu and Xiaoyan plan to steal the fruit of immortality, which is kept in an arctic place surrounded by darkness near this school.
Xiaoyan walks through a dark cave underground for an investigation with a cute little light ball in his hand to help him see.
It’s like one of those dumpling night lights.
As Fengjiu nears the destination, however, she sees Donghua and a strange woman pretty much making out in the snow. Well, to be fair, the lady is doing all the work and Donghua is sitting motionlessly. Across the field, Jiheng sees the same thing.
That woman is revealed to be the powerful demon lady we’ve seen before. We need a map of this world, because it feels like everything is happening in random places at the same time and our main characters just randomly happen to be there to witness these things.
Jiheng storms away in jealousy, but Fengjiu is cleverer than that. She realizes from the energies flowing around that Donghua and this woman are actually battling each other – a battle carried out by their astral forms. But because they’re two powerful immortals, their duel looks like whatever they want it to look like to other people.
Worried that Donghua might not be able to take on the demon woman, Fengjiu jumps into the fight. She’s not strong enough, of course; so Donghua steps in to help.

No no, he doesn’t protect her with his life and get his butt kicked in the process or anything like that. That’s Jiuchen’s area of expertise. Donghua takes a different approach, he actually teaches her how to get the upper hand and the two of them drive the demon woman away. Nice cooperation, hope it lasts till the end.
Finally, the demon lady gives up and vanishes. Fengjiu and Donghua sit down to take a break. Upon seeing Donghua’s bleeding arm, Fengjiu comments that she has heard rumors about how the consumption of his blood can bring immortality. Erm, I think you’re confusing Donghua with Tripitaka, girl. The latter’s blood and flesh can offer immortality and youth because he’s a pure being who has cultivated for many lives and is on the verge of reaching enlightenment. Your man is very far from enlightenment and purity, OK, Fengjiu? In fact, I think he’s doing everything to prove that he’s the opposite.
Anyway, Fengjiu suddenly remembers that Xiaoyan is still waiting for her. Xiaoyan, obsessed with walking Jiheng home, also suddenly remembers that Fengjiu is waiting for him. So they both spring up and begin to look for each other. You’ve got to love their growing bond.
But Donghua is not letting Fengjiu go that easily. He hears Xiaoyan’s name mentioned and immediately lies down on her lap in the name of his injuries… OK, this is shamelessness on another level.

Fengjiu gives in. Hey! Fruit of immortality, General Ye, remember?
They both fall asleep. And for once in his life, Donghua has a serious moment. He reflects on how Fengjiu attempted to save him earlier and admires her for it.
This is the episode I keep rewatching because I cannot understand how a drop of the whatever demon blood ended up in FJ’s birthmark (that the Demon Lady recognized). Sigh. I came here to see if you brought up this in your recap.. LOL.