Eternal Love of Dream – Unhelpful Recap (Episode 29)

Donghua goes to the Bird Kingdom to check on Fengjiu’s situation. When they meet again, Fengjiu is mad that it had taken him so long to come rescue her.

Donghua says he can make amends, and he does this by turning himself into a handkerchief and letting Fengjiu torture him as she pleases. Well, this man must really like you, Fengjiu.

And of course, it’s a purple handkerchief.

Fengjiu thrashes it and bashes it and scrubs orange juice on it.

Xiaoyan (the nice demon lord) goes to see Jiheng again to see whether she’s willing to talk yet.

But she continues to shun him, and ultimately hurts him by saying that he has been behaving improperly, coming to her place uninvited and all. Not that I like Jiheng that much, but technically she’s in the right. (Or maybe I’d just like Xiaoyan to value his own freedom more than his hopeless pursuit of Jiheng.)

Xiaoyan catches Donghua playing chess with Liansong through a magic portal, which means he’s capable of being in two places at once. Xiaoyan tells Fengjiu this. They are the cutest friends.

Fengjiu is angry that Donghua has lied to her about him being a handkerchief while he’s actually frolicking around comfortably. Bad Donghua.

She goes to confront him. But it seems the angrier she is, the more shameless Donghua becomes.

Jiheng brings Donghua tea and is happy that he’s going to stay for another few days. Meanwhile, Fengjiu plans to steal the immortal fruit because she is not allowed to participate in the tournament.


Jiheng’s character is a little unclear. Is she still hung up on that maid whom she thought was a guy? Or is she harbouring romantic feelings for Donghua? What exactly makes her want to torture herself here? Jiheng does say that she wants to stay in this kingdom and serve Donghua whenever he comes to visit because she’s indebted to him. But that doesn’t seem to be the whole reason. At least I hope not.

Well, guess we’ll find out by and by.

The thing is, though, Xiaoyan is a solid character even though his part in the story is minor. The drama is trying to develop him and Jiheng at this point, but it’s hard to ship him with a character who has been here for so long but whose purpose is still super vague.

1 Comment

  1. Chiwu is the best… just like Quintin 😍

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