‘Blossom’: Ep. 1 Run-down – Time-travelling (oops, spoiler, but not really)

At this point, I have stopped trying to figure out what these translated drama titles mean.


A crown prince is being forced to watch an opera. Huh, never thought of this as a form of torture, but it’s definitely effective. We drama viewers are subject to it once in a while.

A man in black, named Song Mo, and his squad are holding the prince hostage.

Having had enough, the crown prince took his own life with a sword. His last words to the man in black are: you’ve got the wrong guy.

The city falls into chaos.

A lady, Dou Zhao, tries to lead her household through this mess, but it seems she is sick.

She coughs blood into a handkerchief and then drops the thing onto the snowy ground, probably making sure we all see the blood and how miserable she is.

Ah, and her husband is cheating on her too. Poor girl is about to hit rock bottom.

One day, Dou Zhao walks in on them and overhears the adulterous couple wishing that she would die soon so they could get married.

Dou Zhao summons the entire household and makes a dramatic exit, burning her clothes and accessories and everything.

Dou Zhao leaves during the night. She is eager to find a magistrate who is willing to process the divorce papers for her ASAP. So the girl’s actually got a good reason to travel in the middle of the night. I’m surprised. Most protagonists don’t.

Her carriage has an accident and nearly runs over a kid. But a man appears in time to save both her and the kid. It’s Song Mo.

They collide, his hood falls off, and oooh, Dou Zhao realizes he’s not as evil as people say. Or at least she finds him and his white hair strands attractive.

A monk appears out of nowhere and tells them they can stay at his temple for the night. O…K… suspiciously convenient.

That night, Dou Zhao and Song Mo talk a little. They each share their dark sentiments about the world.

Two minutes in and Song Mo starts coughing up blood too; and he and Dou Zhao start bonding over their illnesses, whatever they are. Turns out, they both lead pretty tragic and selfless life.

But no time for rest for both of them. Song Mo has to deal with the people from the capital city the next morning. He brings Dou Zhao along to the top of a building as he talks to his enemies. So she can witness all the life-threatening drama, I guess.

Seriously, why did Song Mo bring a woman with no self-defence skills to a war zone? Can’t she just listen to the drama from behind a wall or something?

The monk appears again and asks Dou Zhao to take cover somewhere else and leads them to a secret chamber. What’s up with this monk always taking people to secret places?

But oh no, the enemies find them there and kill the monk on the spot.

However, before he dies, he manages to open a secret passage for Dou Zhao and Song Mo. But oops, they get shot by an arrow and die anyway. To be precise, Song Mo takes the arrow for Dou Zhao, but it manages to kill them both, I guess. Because the next thing we know, they fall through a glass wall into fantasy zone.

But the next second, Dou Zhao finds herself alive again. As a young girl. And hey, the monk is there too as a boy.

Great, I get the jig now. All right, chop chop, let’s grow up, go find the silver-haired guy, and teach the villains a lesson. Especially that dude who cheated on Dou Zhao.


I’m not entirely convinced I should follow this drama yet, but Song Mo is definitely intriguing.

More notes to come.

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