8 Best Lines from The Journey of Flower (the TV series)

The 8 lines from TV drama Journey of Flower that never fail to entertain us. Here they are.

(Post contains SPOILERS.)

1. 我白子画此生只收一个徒弟 (Bai Zihua, ep. 11) – [roughly translated] “I, Bai Zihua, will only take on one disciple in this lifetime.”

Why is this a great line? Because apparently, Bai Zihua thought he knew what he was doing when he said it.

2. 你若敢为你门中弟子伤她一分 我便屠你满门 你若敢为天下人损她一毫 我便杀尽天下人 (Sha Qianmo, ep. 38)- [roughly translated] “If you bring her harm in order to protect your disciples, I will slaughter your school. If you hurt her to protect the world, I will massacre the whole world.”

Why is this a great line? Because it describes a bad-ass scene we never got to see in the drama since Sha Qianmo passed out 5 minutes after he said this.

3. 断念已残  宫铃已毁 从今往后 你我师徒 恩断义绝 (Hua Qiangu, ep. 48) – [roughly translated] “The sword [Duannian] has broken. The bell has shattered. You and I are no longer disciple and master from now on.”

Why is this a great line? Because most of the audience were dying for Hua Qiangu to break up this relationship at that point. Seriously, Bai Zihua had pushed his luck too much by that time.

4. 姐姐是真的喜欢你 (Sha Qianmo, ep. 43)- [roughly translated] “I (Big Sister) really like you.

Why is this a great line? Because until this day, it still leaves fans of the book/drama wondering whether Sha Qianmo loves Hua Qiangu as a sister or as a woman. Pretty neat, isn’t it? And confusing…

5. 你想要什么 你说就行 (Bai Zihua, ep. 50) – [roughly translated] “Whatever you want, just tell me.”

Why is this a great line? It shows us that Bai Zihua probably needs an ice bucket to refresh his memory since Huan Qiangu has told him over 10 times what she wanted by that time.

6. 我不会收你为徒的 (Bai Zihua, ep. 9) – [roughly translated]  “I will not take you on as my student.”

Why is this a great line? Because we all know Bai Zihua is going to do that very thing the next day.

7. 她是我白子画的徒弟 – [roughly translated] “She is my disciple.”

Why is this a great line? It sounds most of the time like Bai Zihua’s way to remind himself that Hua Qiangu is off limits. Not that it helps.

8. 若能再重来一次 我再也不要爱上你 (Hua Qiangu, ep. 50) – [roughly translated] “If I could do it again, I would never fall in love with you.”

Why is this a great line? Because most of the time in Chinese fantasy/historical dramas, couples WOULD like to be couples again in their next lives. But here, our female lead basically says: “this has been fun, but I think I’ve had enough of you.”

Sassy? We think so.

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